"I didn't like the play. I thought it was a dirty play, you know, it was exacerbated by the pull-down, the horse collar. And really disappointing for that to happen to one of your very good players early in the ball-game, and at the same time I think it lit a fire under our group.“ -Golden on Condon injury I’m not sure if he is right or wrong. I’ll be interested to re-watch. But I’ll give him credit for speaking his mind and sticking up for his guy.
It did not look like a natural play on the ball to me. I saw people saying it was a play on the ball, I didn’t see that.
I didn’t see anything dirty in real time or when they showed the replay, but admittedly I wasn’t looking up high at a possible “horse collar” either I was probably focusing on the legs. Unless the player is known for doing dirty stuff i’d give him the benefit of the doubt.
Funny you should mention that… How long South Carolina basketball starter will be out after dirty play resulted in injury
He has been dirty at least since he was at UGA last season. He plays the game like a true scumbag, the worst I have seen in the college game since Grayson Allen at Duke…
Don't see anything but a little grab on the way down. St player let go pretty quick and didn't seem to cause the injury.
I watched the replay multiple times. He pulled Alex down by the shoulder. It was definitely not a basketball play. Wague, the Alabama kid that intentionally elbowed Alex in the head last year, he is definitely a dirty player. No doubt about that...he had a history of dirty plays. All Gators on Instagram: "This was the play that Alex Condon injured his ankle. : ESPN2"
It happened so fast, I didn't catch it during the live play, but watching it after the game... yep, it was dirty and intentional. Melendez grabbed Condon with both arms and pulled him down.
Gotta admit, that looks like a swing for the head and the MSU player's post-incident reaction is a stand-over "I meant to do that, MFer" look.
Unless Condon's shoulders are each the same size, shape, and color of basketballs, I find that argument problematic.
MSU and Kentucky are pretty much cut from the same cloth. When the talent isn't there to win fair and square, it's time to play the thug card. That pertains to UK in FB in particular and it goes for MSU across the board.
I think Golden will have a different take after watching the replay. Condon's right ankle was already awkwardly rolling under him prior to any contact. Condon feeling the ankle sprain, lets go of the ball just as it hits his hands.
I see that he got his hands around the shoulder and appears to pull. Still hard to tell if this motion caused the injury as it looks like Condon landed awkwardly almost simultaneously. Although if he stuck his leg in there with the intent to twist him down that would be 100% dirty. It just isn’t as obvious to see as a horse-collar tackle in football or Grayson Allen when he was doing his “tripping” antics.
Please note that I stipulated that UK was more noted for dirty play in FB, whereas MSU historically has no scruples at all regarding dirty play in either sport. FTR, I strongly agree about UT and Mazara being in that same miserable category too.