Emperor Trump and Darth Musk. One is duly elected, but usurping power from other branches of government. The other is the emperor's hand selected henchman with more, real power.
You have got to be kidding me. You don’t think there is conflict of interest from spacex? Give me a break. Right wing nuts don’t think Biden can talk to his son on the phone without being unethical who ran a business not associated with the government. But yall think Elon Musk can selflessly do business with America and be an unelected decision maker with his biggest customer? Right wing nut hypocrisy makes me tingle.
Mainly this was Trump overreacting in his typical childish way to Time’s cover showing Musk at the Resolute Desk. He just sat there awkwardly and made Musk stand there even more awkwardly and ramble on with illogical answers to policing his own billion dollar contracts and being unable to figure out social media lies. The whole thing was cringe but Trump surely believes he straightened out those mean Time editors.
I think many of you are missing what’s really going on and Musk isn’t aware enough to see Trump is setting him up to be the fall guy when it all goes south. Of course Trump is too short-sighted to see he’s going to be blamed anyway.
If body language and facial expressions are indicative of their relationship it's obvious who's the boss title notwithstanding.
“The billionaire, whose federal cost-cutting team has been operating in secrecy, asserted that he had uncovered waste and fraud across the bureaucracy, without offering evidence.” “Some of the things that I say will be incorrect." Musk, 2/11, in his Oval Office Q&A
Does any other space company have more sexual harassment complaints, OSHA violations and NLRB complaints? I mean sure, you could be a whole lot cheaper to if you did not have to follow regulations that require you to be decent towards your employees. The explosive harassment allegations rocking SpaceX and Elon Musk SpaceX challenges NLRB’s authority after unfair labor practice charge https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/spacex-musk-safety/
And, again, here is the POS sub-human who just held court in the White House of the United States of America that you are all so very proud of:
the media is doing everything they can to drive trump and Musk apart and it ain't working ‘They want a divorce’: Trump, Musk discuss media efforts to create a split - The Daily Bo Snerdley