I know that some of you guys claimed that the only reason Adams was being investigated is because he criticized Biden. Does that really make any sense? There were local officials all over the country criticizing Biden over immigration.
They have to come up with some kind of justification for the fact that they rabidly support a criminal. That's better than some that we've heard. Look at all the Trump advisors that were pardoned. Or the J6 traitors... They support a criminal. There's not much more to the story. * * Maybe that he cons them well. That's about it.
One point is that both Blago and Adams are Democrats and obviously Trump is a Republican. It is not a partisan thing here.
Lets review... https://www.axios.com/2023/05/16/biden-eric-adams-new-york https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/09/08/biden-eric-adams-migrants-new-york-gop/ https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/13/investigations-eric-adams-new-york-00126928 Adams' earliest remarks about Biden's immigration policy precede any legal trouble he was in.
I kind of think it is partisan. The question is should a Republican POTUS pardon a Democrat who originally was not prosecuted by Biden's DOJ, but then was later prosecuted because he was not loyal to Biden? It is conundrum because the prosecution was politically motivated, but probably legit. My best guess here is Trump wants to capitalize on goodwill with the mayor of the largest city in the country and the former mayor of one of the other largest cities in the country. Prosecutors do this all the time. They make deals with smaller fish to catch bigger fish. The question I am wondering is what is Trump going to get out of this? Adams and Blagojevich might know where to find certain things...they might know where certain things are buried, metaphorically speaking.
Now, let's all watch and laugh as MAGA comes to the defense of two of the faces of Democrat/DNC corruption. Oh God! You can't make this shit up!
Even one of the things they whine about the most: Chicago Democrats. You literally can't make this shit up!
Don't forget Tad, Chad and Hunter. . . who never accepted him in boarding school. I went to boarding school. I know how they talk about guys like Trump and why they'll never be fully accepted as one of "them". Trust me, that has eaten him alive for decades. His entire life is based on showing those guys up. Ironically, most of it (Trump Towers, for instance) just backs them up. So gaudy and tacky, almost like a cheesy bordello.
Oh, and I guess that's when you guys decided to "love up" the NY Communist Democrat. So MAGA it hurts!
No, clearly it's a Brotherhood of Corrupt Politicians thing. You also assume Trump is an actual conservative or Republican. Silly you. But you'll learn soon enough. . . or not. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.
I have never loved Eric Adams. I have never said he is a good guy. I did not even say that I think he is innocent. What I think is happening here is transactional. I don't know that I agree with it because I don't know what the transaction is. That is TBD at this point. What I hope is the DOJ gets the goods to go after some people who rightfully deserve it. Is that going to happen? Not sure yet.
Blago actually calls himself a Trumpocrat by the way. Blagojevich: Says he's a 'Trumpocrat' after Trump commutes sentence Disgraced ex- Illinois Gov. Blagojevich now a 'Trump-o-crat' with praise for his 'his new Republican Party'