Reaching 20% in cities as the CCP plans to send them back to work in the fields. How long can Xi hold the house of cards together with that kind of youth unemployment and manufacturing decreasing? One in 5 young people in Chinese cities are out of work. Beijing wants them to work in the fields | CNN Business Beijing's economy is rebounding after Covid but the city still has work to do 03:22 - Source: CNN Hong KongCNN — As the jobless rate among China’s youth soars, the country’s richest province has offered a highly controversial solution: Send 300,000 unemployed young people to the countryside for two to three years to find work. Guangdong, the manufacturing powerhouse that abuts Hong Kong, said last month it will help college graduates and young entrepreneurs to find work in villages. It also encouraged rural youth to return to the countryside to look for jobs there.
This is one of the reasons I think that China may invade Taiwan. It will distract the population and a war economy usually is stronger. It makes sense in no other way.
Interesting, didn’t know that. High unemployment and a 40M shortage of women in China… sounds like a recipe for a disaster to send a bunch of horny unemployed young men to the fields.
Except it's a suicide mission. That said, Xi and the CCP care about one thing and one thing only. Staying in Power!!! They'll send it back to the stone ages as long as they get to sit atop the garbage pile.
Every China thread is either: a) China is about to fail/collapse b) China is about to win/dominate forever
You can go ahead and cross B off the list. Those who pay attention have known this for about a decade now. And then their is the MSM and their laziness and addiction to tropes. . . .
We’re the 3rd most populated country and China 4x of US. From the article - sounds like what many of our college grads encounter….. “are beginning to realize that a degree may not improve their social position, nor result in some other guaranteed benefit,”
It's not fear, it's basic facts. Their real estate is a shitshow that is hard to even wrap the mind around, somewhere in the neighborhood (or more) than 1B unused units, many unfinished and all essentially worthless with a rapidly aging/declining population. This is only 60-70% of the savings of the entire citizenship. But, hey, just worry mongering, right? And then there is the well-documented population crash. Average age is already over 50 and there is nobody to replace them both from a production and (most important) consumption standpoint. Throw Male surplus on top of that, yet another stellar result from the one-child policy. And we won't even get into the water shortages, reliance on imports, etc. Yeah, game over. Just a matter of how long at this point.
It's because they never moved up the value add chain. Never hit that point that Japan and Korea successfully hit. Mexican labor is now cheaper with higher value add. Game. Over.
I guess dude. But these are real numbers. And we're talking the next decade or so. Also, hate to break the bad news to you, but the US is in better shape than anyone. In fact, these idiots could destroy it all and the bones are so good that what comes next is bound to succeed and succeed massively. Little shit like having more navigable waterways than the rest of the world combined. Yeah, that's actually true. I'm starting to understand why the original settlers got religious about this place. It literally is the best spot on Earth with everything you could possibly need and separated from the crazies by the two largest moats in history.