Bull. This Dutch study shows massive reduction in morality among those vaccinated versus unvaccinated. And no increase in any other rates from non COVID rates of death. This study from Australia shows the exact same thing.
You could have died on a respirator drowning in your own mucus...very likely saved your life. You're welcome
If vaccines worked, everyone vaccinated would be immune. TikTok doctor said so.. Magats don't understand that no vaccine is 100% effective
Personal responsibility. Should not be eligible for insurance and cost shift to others. Hope the kids survive the FAFO lifestyle.
I’m glad you weathered it. There are many people who didn’t get the vaccine and died with less serious symptoms than congestive heart failure. My guess is an older age unvaccinated person with congestive heart failure likely doesn’t survive Covid in many cases.
Yesterday I walked my dog down the street to an spca shot thing. He wasn’t due for his three years rabies shot when I got the rest of his shots in October. If my dog got a choice he would choose never to get an immunization. I am glad he trusts my opinions and is a good boy for the vets. I hope all of you antivaxxers have someone you trust to make important decisions.
I’ve lost track of how any animals not known to me have bitten me. I’ve even been bitten by feral cats living in proximity to raccoons. Maybe it takes decades to kill. Or maybe, like the “measles virus”, it’s just another pseudoscientific deception Pasteur’s Rabies Deception
Thoughts and prayers to the people of Texas. Remember, the Texas republicans and the Trump administration only cares about your children before they’re born, so after that you’re on your own. What I’m curious to see is how this administration responds to the next pandemic caused by the bird flu jumping to humans. Are they going to be smart or are we going back to red state MAGA voters drinking bleach while shoving a UV light up their butts?
Do we remove insurance for those who took the drug and harmed themselves because of it? I say no. But since you want to remove insurance for those that chose the safer route. I am curious if you think we should remove insurance eligibility from those who were duped. I said it back during the height of the pandemic that people were going to need to be treated for damage done by these shots. COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities | Journal of Medical Ethics COVID-19 mRNA vaccine linked to myocardial scarring in adolescents and young adults This is what happens when you do not follow basic science and medicine and push a drug on an entire population without accounting for risk. Sadly a lot of young people are going to be dealing with the damage done by the FAFO lifestyle that propaganda can cause.
Make America healthy again. Abolish the CDC and the NIH and for that matter, abolish the HHS. Tell RFK to focus on who killed his uncle.