Just put your mask back on (be sure to wear it in the when you’re alone) and you will be just fine! Don’t be scared, Dr. Fauci will protect you!
I will check I have 4 or 5 blocked I think. I block not for disagreeing but for just spamming a thread responding to each content with inanity. Matt in Ohio or something like that was when I learned how.
I have only duggarsdad blocked at the moment. I used to have etgator1 blocked because I kept getting confused with his postings and etgator.
I'd never block anyone as it's such an incredible display of intellectual cowardice, but there are some I ignore. And then there are those where you just can't resist because the poster is such a crank. Like this crank ^ right here. Mr. Bulletpoints.
Really dont understand this mentality TBH. Some people would rather eat shit so they can adhere to some BS code of not blocking people lol. I used to be the same way. But blocking 2-3 posters over the last few years has vastly improved my experience here and general well-being. Others of ya'll are on notice now too.
Eh. I don’t respond to him/her for the most part anymore. The childlike tantrums reached a point of just not worth it.
100%. I doubt people block others because they dont want to hear how good or bad Trump or Biden is. Most people block for two reasons. Spamming threads, Vegas and Duggar do that frequently making a thread unreadable (although they can be amusing at times). Or the interactions between 2 posters devolves into constant insults (they know who they are).
Guilty as charged. But the reasoning is simple. They're not trying, while those they are debating are. So, someone has to get in there and beat them at their own 8th-Grade Insult Contest game. It's sad seeing someone create a well crafted, well sourced argument only to be followed up with irrelevant, screedy nonsense from the likes of Mr. Bulletpoints. The fact they block me validates it all. You should try it sometime.
You've talked about me or responded to me at least 3 times in this thread ...... for no reason apparent to me whatsoever. In fact, you were so (and here I'll use some of the recent right-wing terms) "butt-hurt", your "panties were in such a wad" that you directed your posting at me for no reason whatsoever in the first place, lol. But why?! I didn't say anything about you. I didn't prevent you from enjoying ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine cocktails at your home bar, after injecting bleach and while sitting on the custom-made barstools with the rear-located UV lightstick seat protuberance, engineered for maximum cleansing and covid elimination. Jeez, I wouldn't be surprised if you and that older guy get together to cry about me, with your voodoo dolls. Ya creepy stalkers.
Ironically, we mods sometimes feel the same way about certain posters. Sadly we can't block anyone....Even those that post everything on repeat regardless of thread topic.