Not sure why he’d draft a EO since he doesn’t have that power. It’s commissioned and funded by congress. Regardless, the DoE benefits red states disproportionately so I can only be so concerned. GO DONALD!!! White House preparing executive order to abolish the Department of Education The White House is preparing an executive order to eliminate the Department of Education, two sources familiar with the plans told NBC News. President Donald Trump cannot unilaterally abolish a federal agency without the approval of Congress. The planned order follows years of campaign promises from Trump to abolish the federal Education Department. In September 2023, the then-candidate posted a video to social media saying, “One other thing I’ll be doing very early in the administration is closing up the Department of Education in Washington D.C., and sending all education and education work and needs back to the states.”
I mean, I'm pretty sure he can do whatever he wants as long as he enjoys a republican majority in both the house and senate unless a court steps in. But I mean, just speaking with my knowledge about Florida and Higher Education, the disruption to students requesting financial aid for 2024-25, and new aid for 25-26 will be tremendous. I mean, I don't think people outside of the education sector understand how hugely disruptive something like that could be for literally tens of millions of Americans, either planning to attend, or already attending an undergraduate or graduate program. Unless DOE is going state, but federal financial aid stays federal, which has it's own complications. DOE made some changes to the FAFSA starting during the first Trump administration, and even those changes within the current DOE framework were incredibly disruptive. How ambitious plans for a new FAFSA ended in a fiasco And I know not everyone cares about higher education - but that will have a direct impact on the workforce as peoples programs of study are disrupted because they are confused about how to request financial aid - not to mention the inevitable huge delays from moving the system to the states, who will have to find a workforce to manage the process. There are about 1500 people who work in the federal government that work on financial aid. So you'd have to find people with expertise, the states would have to come up with a system for disbursing funds - I mean - HUGE MESS. It would probably take YEARS to untangle.
From what was reported on the news, the EO would direct the Secretary of Education to draft a plan which would be submitted to Congress for their approval to dismantle the Department of Education.
President Trump is keeping campaign promises. The Trump administration has begun drafting an executive order that would kick off the process of eliminating the Department of Education, the latest move by President Donald Trump to swiftly carry out his campaign promises, two sources familiar with the plans told CNN. The move would come in two parts, the sources said. The order would direct the secretary of Education to create a plan to diminish the department through executive action. Trump would also push for Congress to pass legislation to end the department, as those working on the order acknowledge that shuttering the department would require Congress’ involvement.
I doubt they’ll get rid of it completely but reduce it from a cabinet position to a Board of Education. This will probably be a good thing for blue states since those states are more likely to invest in quality education without federal interference where red states, being who they are, will fall further behind concentrating on things like segregation and prayer.
More voucher errrr stimulus money to families to send kids to unaccredited private schools with GED teachers? What can go wrong?
here is why Trump preparing to majorly revamp Department of Education as math, reading scores show stunning lows
I'm not sure how eliminating the Department of Education will address this problem: Shortage of math teachers- "It's a crisis situation" .. The Ultimate List of Teacher Shortages by State in 2025 | Devlin Peck A Background on Potential Teacher Shortages in the US | Rockefeller Institute of Government America's Growing Teacher Shortage
I mean, anyone that thinks this process won’t be messy is kidding themselves. It’s not like flipping a light switch people. I'm not even commenting on K-12 stuff - but the operational ramifications for financial aid disbursement alone are massive. How anyone thinks the states, especially the small ones, can handle this better than the federal government is beyond me. Further complicating this is that every state will have different rules, so anytime someone applies for aid they have to apply to each state they are looking to attend? I can definitely tell that people have not thought this through to the end...
I mean if we all can agree education can be better, should we not try? That’s what the libbies usually say.