Trump has already proven his willingness and ability to monetize the presidency. This just takes it to a new level. Knowing what I do about Trump, his business history, and his criminal indictments regarding financial improprieties, I will never trust Trump around money.
The term 'sovereign wealth' just has an irresistible allure to Trump as he aspires to be a wealthy sovereign.
I don’t consider Trump to be my boy, or trustworthy and brilliant. But he is better than Hillary and Biden any day of the week. Just because I take exception to the ridiculous things he is accused of by democrats and media doesn’t mean that I love him. Just because I take exception to the ridiculous double standard of the media, does r mean that I love him. Just because I take exception to the way democrats stretched, pushed, ripped,and contorted laws as much as possible to charge him with crimes, doesn’t mean that I love him. Just because his opposition tried to kill him, doesn’t mean that I love him. It does however mean that he is better than any Democrat except possibly Shapiro, and I would wait until his second term as governor of Pennsylvania to make that call. Now, to answer your question, no I wouldn’t trust a single one of them to manage my money. Not one.
Why did it have to be Trump v Biden/Harris. What about DeSantis? Ah, yes! Harvard and Yale. MAGA can't have that.
Correction. Two incompetent republicans tried to kill him. The rest of your post is like, just your opinion man.
Yep. But at some point the republicans whitewashed that and came up with the narrative of small government even if it was pretend. This guy doesnt even pretend. He’s just big gov for a different group.
Why would you ask such a ridiculous question. We all went to the polls and had two choices. Write in candidates make people feel good, but they are a waisted vote.
You clowns had a chance in the primary, but in classic form balled up and chickened out. You're weak and just let him roll right over you. And now you'll defend everything he does - no matter the results - because you'll never admit you were wrong.
Unfortunately, two parties chickened out. A feeble joke vs a power hungry moron. Kanye was starting to look better and better
You sound like you’ve been reading too many of Jo’s posts. You’re getting as ridiculous as he is. Here’s a novel suggestion for you; look in the mirror. What about a Democrat primary? Are you really going to sit here now and say that you didn’t see Biden’s mental struggles and poll numbers before the debate? If you are either massively wrong or you were lying to yourself. Biden’s struggles were apparent even before 2020, they just weren’t blatantly embarrassing until he looked like Gerry Cooney in the ring with Larry Holmes at the debate. I am not a republican, I do not pick the candidates who will run. I do not manage or fund the campaigns. If there were a better alternative than Harris or Trump, I would have supported that person. But we only had two alternatives, and I, like in almost every election in my life, picked the lesser of two evils. I hope you and Jo are enjoying your coffee together.
And why do you kitty cats always run from it? Just embrace it. You're a Republican. Own it. What are you scared of? As if you voted for Obama. . . . Give me an f-in break!
Another TYPICALLY BORING and SHALLOW response. I'll revisit this "conversation" when I need to go to sleep tonight.