Definitely doesnt align with "limited government Reagan-ism". Why we'd want the govt to hold our money and "invest" it is beyond my paygrade.
All the tariff money, of course! Unless the market tanks and Mexico agrees to do what they always do.
Yea. Copying Arab Oil States. The "winning" continues. You know, I've always wanted to be more like Saudi Arabia. And I can think of nothing more America First than copying theocratic Muslim psycho states.
those we can extort.. tiktok..sell 21% to Musk for x and give the USA SWF 30% or we shut you down pharmeceutical ---want to get ozempic approved in the US, we will require 10M shares of class A for the SWF pharmobro - we will p[ay you 3x for insulin but we get 10% equity.. this is how he thinks, leverage the regulatory and buying authority of the gubmnt to extort money from people, like that company isn't just going to pass that cost through to the customers
Even your boy? What about Elon? He's so smart. Why wouldn't you trust them with your money. So brilliant and trustworthy they are.