Trump puts out both an unconstitutional and unclear directive. It blows up the workings of the government. The lemmings still approve. Dude could shoot someone on 5th ave…..
I don't even understand the EO thing. The GOP controls every branch of govt yet are dishing out EOs like it's a dictatorship. Oh wait......
because they don't have a supermajority and some of this crap wouldn't even pass the pub house and senate
I’m so thankful that the GOP didn’t get a supermajority to go with the WH. One party holding all the checks and balances rarely benefits the public.
Trump has backed down and rescinded the order I wonder if someone explained to him that he doesn’t actually have unlimited power
They are now walking back the walk back though. It seems they were just trying to get the court case dismissed.
Given that he ended up backing down it doesn't seem that the mission was accomplished. In this case "da libs" rather than the Dear Leader apparently prevailed.
Stop the nonsense... Federal Spending Freeze Does Not Apply to Student Loans and Pell Grants - The New York Times
Probably someone involved learned for the very first time that red states take more than their share of federal money. I doubt Trump learned this, but probably someone involved in crafting the initially shabbily written orders. These people are ideologues. So now that “shutting it all down” came back at them, they are likely going back to the drawing board to figure if there’s a way to steal grants from blue states and give to red.
One more time. The story you posted is based on the second-day memo. The initial memo said nothing about that not be frozen.
Instead of peddling fear. Know it was not affected. You sound like a good government comrade... Reminds me when my accountant put interest on the line it should have been on but the bank and CDC (Community Develpoment Organization) did not send a 1098. What should have been a fax and fix turned into a year of BS from the irs and their imbecile agent until they had to give it to the attorney for the irs. A little over a year later get we zeroed out statement shortly after they said let it go to the judge. Unfortunately I did not get a check for my accountant fees for the incompetence of the idiot at the irs. You are blowing this up like the idiot irs agent that imo targeted me. This is a nothing burger. That said it is fun to watch the big government crowd whine like little children (can I say that)?
Good grief, you really felt the need to insult? And you feel good about that? Look, the first memo on Monday said federal agencies had to pause all disbursement of federal financial assistance. That obviously caused a lot of concern from those receive that assistance. The next day, realizing what a mess it had created, it sent out a memo detailing types of assistance that would not be affected. So let's not act like those who got upset about the first memo should have known what the second memo was going to say.
Republicans: "Kids should go get a job at Burger King so they can buy their own school lunches, not stay home and get free school lunches." I didnt make that up.
So here is where we are: Trump OMB puts out 2 page memo freezing all grants Chaos, panic ensues OMB puts out 1.5 page Q&A trying to clarify. More confusion Congressional Republicans defend it / Dems attack it WH blames media for confusion OMB puts out one line memo rescinding freeze So, if it was such a well thought out plan.. why rescind it? Way to go! What a bunch of yahoos trying to run this country. White House rescinds Trump's funding freeze memo after huge backlash