Clearly this was very poorly communicated and also apparently the president controls spending now and not Congress, via EO. Other than that this all seems peachy.
this? OMB memo on temporary pause of financial assistance programs
“I’ll take ‘Things No One Voted For for $200, Alex’” “FOFO” “What are things that no one voted for?” “correct”
It's interesting that it seems to be really hard to find this afternoon's memo, huh? Almost like the people getting folks spun up want them to stay spun up.
I’m all for a review of all the NGO leeches getting off the teet. Have the conversation out in the open about where all the money is going. Shaking things up. DOGE says it stopped millions of dollars meant for condoms in Gaza
So they send out a memo yesterday about the freeze that caused all kinds of concern and problems. They had to come back with another memo 24 hours later explaining that the first one about freezing all that stuff ... they didn't really mean it. It didn't really freeze everything like the first memo said. Imagine how that could get people upset for those 24 hours, huh? The kind of stuff groups were facing ...
It got a lot of folks upset because clowns like Chuck Schumer got in front of cameras and told them to be upset. “It is just outrageous,” Senator Chuck Schumer said. “Funds for things like disaster assistance, local law enforcement, rural hospitals, aid to the elderly, food for people in need all are on the chopping block in this new administration. Why they need tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy, and these cuts they think will fund them.”
True. Chuck Schumer is one of the most influential persons in the world, and the population stands by, rapt to his every word.
if you don't think a 5 (6?) term senator from one of the largest states who also happens to be the minority leader isn't influential, I don't know what to tell you. the news cameras do, literally, stand by to broadcast his every word.
this is the operative phrase. it would seem to apply to very few things if that statement is enforced, if only we had some IG's to keep an eye on things to make sure it was lawfully done.... to the extent permissible under applicable law,
sorry, that is a house of fiction at this point. ask them, djt won in 2020 and it's called gulf of americu.
just like the constitution says right? on good thing, all these lawsuits are going to clog up the courts so long that everything is just going to get stuck in place with stays and every stupid illegal thing him and his bff elon do will have to get in line behind these suits. meanwhile, real cases will also get stalled eureka, clog the court system, fund hundreds of new federal judges "rebuild our great legal system", stack the courts even deeper with federalists loyalists
Yeah, that's it. It can't possibly be that the memo said that all agencies must freeze the disbursement of federal funds. I mean, why would anyone think that would pause the disbursement of federal funds? I mean, it has to be Chuck Shumer's fault, because the entire nation is glued to everything he says. The man is so powerful, he personally shutdown all the medicaid programs, across the entire country! I'll bet Soros was helping him.