So you're saying that Biden wanted a secure border, too, but he lacked the luck/timing that Trump had in order to make it happen. Okeedokee.
I guess you could consider having a terrible job market due to Covid "luck." That is certainly a take.
This makes it worse. So you’re going to spend all that time and effort to deport more people and let millions come in unvetted. Brilliant.
Actually UKs problems come largely from the opposite side of the aisle. They bought into the Brexit BS and have been paying the price ever since.
All great points, but the Liberals do NOT like common sense. They don't even ascribe to logic in many cases.
Let me know when Trump starts actively deporting from red states highly dependent on agriculture and immigrant labor, like Nebraska or Florida. Seems like so far the raids have been limited mostly to blue states.
Oh hey, it IS only targeting cities in blue states. It's almost like Trump just wants someone to fight back so he can have a political football to fight over, while actually doing little to nothing. Who knew!? Why doesn't he start by crippling the economy in a compliant red state city? Is it all just a con? Trump administration launches immigration enforcement blitz in Chicago
wait you're telling me that we're focusing on deporting criminals from places that openly harbor criminals? no way!
Are you aware of any deportations of immigration labor? So far only illegals that have committed crimes have been deported
Salt Lake City was targeted in initial raids. Salt Lake City. What, no deportations in Texas or Florida? Surely there would be higher first-strike numbers if these states are targeted. Hell, just head over to Miami and start rounding them up. Who controls the actual "illegal criminals" list? Stephen Miller? Another political stunt. Immigration reform should be the focus -- using the bully pulpit to get Congress to do their job. Or is that the real strategy here of the very stable genius? Then why did $Trump kill the last immigration bill?
Because we don't have sanctuary cities. The focus right now is on criminals, gang members etc., and guess which states they're mostly hiding out in?
Says who? Where's the data? How do you know where the criminals are? You might just be buying into what the politicians want you to believe. You seriously think there aren't immigrants in south Florida with criminal records?
Sanctuary cities don't protect anyone. They simply don't cooperate with the Feds when it comes to enforcing Federal immigration law. To say sanctuary cities are harboring criminals is false. There are undocumented immigrants in every city. The reason for sanctuary cities goes all the way back to 1978 San Francisco. Local police were struggling with crime in high immigrant areas because locals wouldn't cooperate in fear of being deported, or a loved one being deported. Sanctuary was declared, and crime went down.