City knows this. What’s hilarious is that people like you don’t comprehend what he’s doing by baiting you on the stupid inanity that you would blame politicians from the opposite side of the aisle.
I will be launching "$EggCoin" soon. Stick it to the government, Trump and inflation by buying my made up asset!
I haven’t seen the numbers, but I seem to see a lot of closed chicken houses in north Florida. Been closing for years, I guess
The TDS is chronic with that one, and his threads are consistent. They take on two subjects: 1. Biden is the greatest, and 2. it's Trump's fault. We will only get Trump threads moving forward.
So what you're saying is declaring inflation out of control and blaming it on a President because you saw one item increasing in price isn't a good idea?
Probably caused by so many people eating chicken wings these days. Hens don't do well laying eggs after they lose their wings. In the rural area where I live eggs are cheap and people will give them away at times because they have more than they can use. They are better than the eggs at Publix also.
No way. Your hero lying liar lied that he'd get grocery prices down fast. Looks like this is what he did : "Hey, I'm busy stealing shit, and scamming people with crypto! Somebody fix grocery prices!!!!" Imagine thinking that that clown could fix anything. Or do anything constructive - dude has just been a parasitic leech on every business he's ever been involved with. On his first day in office, Trump vowed to lower grocery prices, promising they would “come down dramatically and fast.” Yet, in a subsequent interview with Time magazine, he admitted the challenge was far greater than he anticipated. “It’s very hard,” Trump conceded, acknowledging that lowering prices would take time. His administration’s efforts, however, have not led to any significant relief. Internal sources revealed that Trump directed department heads to brainstorm solutions, but they reportedly failed to produce viable ideas. Trump's Broken Promises Pile Up as Day 1 Pledges Falter