Imagine being a grown adult and publicly hitting the “Winner” and “Agree” button for any of your posts.
If Harris had lost by 200 votes, then maybe her husband might have been a deciding factor. Press coverage was almost exclusively on Harris, and her inability to answer basic questions or come up with solutions or a platform of her own. She was only slightly more capable than Dan Quayle. Had she seen any of this coming, she would have actually worked on the immigration issue when Biden presented it to her several years ago, instead of ignoring it and then treating it as a photo-op. Her main feature that got her as many votes as she did was the fact that she was not a felon, and that she had no desire to be a dictator. (She also mopped up the floor with Trump in their debate, after the fact-checkers had dominated and humiliated him.) That apparently wasn't enough.
Unfortunately “Anonymous Sources”, “Some People Say”, and “Sources tell XXX News” have become the modern day poetic license for so-called journalists to write or say anything they want. Same with politicians and pundits saying; “I talk to people all the time, and they always tell me XXXX”. I guess it’s a marriage made in Heaven. It allows some people to say whatever the want, and the others are allowed to believe whatever they want.
The mods chastise me when I do better. That was the polite version of what I, and most others think of your cheery disposition and polite conversations.
I care greatly about the law when it pertains to illegal aliens- they broke the law and have zero right to be in our country and need to go now
We know. But you don't care a bit about all the laws that the felon you voted for broke. Some might call that the definition of hypocrisy.
because I do not believe he broke the law- we know you do as you scream it in every post - and since he won I am not the only American who feels that way
"Counting on" ? Weird, I don't understand. I do understand, though, that you voted for and rabidly support a felon. Congrats, I guess.
Kamala didn’t need any help in losing the election. She was part of a terrible administration and ran a terrible campaign. Emhoff is no bargain but Kamala is the one who completely crapped the bed and lost an election that was hers to win.
No Democrat could have won the election. If Biden made the announcement that he wasn't running no later than September of 2023 and the party nominated an outsider like Andy Beshear through the primary process they may have had a chance. With Biden waiting until July 21 the Democrat nominee no matter who was nominated was dead meat. The economy was the issue that put Trump over the top with the swing voters who based their decision on a single issue prices which were considerably higher in 2024 than they were in 2020. Although the president actually has relatively influence over the economy if the economy does well the incumbent president gets the credit and if it does poorly he receives the blame.
That's not even close to what I posted. Nor did I post in that thread even close to daily. But feel free to say things that are not true if that makes you feel better. You may now continue to shill for the only POTUS in US history to try not to peacefully transfer power. Who gleefully watched for over three hours and did nothing, while hundreds of police were beaten. Man, you must be proud to have voted for that guy.
I’m glad I reread the title. At first I thought it said Harris lost her erection. That would suck worse than having to limply live with that pansy nanny plucker Doug.
I know the TDS makes it challenging, but how about we don't misquote and attribute words that weren't written? Where did I say it "swayed the election"? Understand that I told everyone here for months exactly what would happen in this past election, so I think I had a pretty good handle on it. I don't think I mentioned Emhoff once in any of my analyses. Did you predict Trump >300 EV? No, you did not. Emhoff didn't alter the outcome of the election and I would never suggest he did. He just didn't help her or do her persona any favors. But you're right, Emhoff's "marriage troubles" paled in comparison to her fake, cackling, I'm not gonna give any interviews, down with deportation, oh wait not really, drunken ass.