Save it. Your "fact checkers" are nothing but poly hacks themselves. I might bother opening the link if they broke honest and said: "our counter opinion/take".
Wait...are we all "American", or is it "American exceptionalism" to share the designation of "American" with something that is clearly shared with a wide swath of American countries (ie- countries in the Americas)? Hard to keep up, when your only metric of truth/ right vs wrong, is: Trump = bad.
I asked a question. You can chase your tail on this one if you must, but when it comes to the naming of the Gulf of Mexico, I really don't give a $hit.
You *asked* a rhetorical question, meaning you insinuated a point, disguised (or couched) in a *question*. (I did the same--i just don't bother playing coy about what i do).
Apparently, it's the new Trumpgasm, geared to Trump's 2nd term--pitch a hissyfit, but couch it in passive aggressive side swipes, so as not to get called out for Trumpgasm du jure. Lol! FOUR. MORE. YEARS. Choke on it, losers!
Gulf of America is actually a far better and more accurate term. Technically the U.S. has far more coastline on the Gulf of America than Mexico has. Why should they get to claim it? It's international water anyway. Gulf of American means it represents all of the Americas, not just Mexico. Whether you like it or not, I have a feeling it sticks for at least 4 years. It'll be called Gulf of America by any Government Official. Yes the maps part will be a pain but it's a far better name.
Hasn’t done anything yet. I’ll judge him as he goes. So far he’s proven: Too frail to stand outside Can’t get music to play Can’t kiss his “wife”
Guy who voted for porn star banging adulterer, who bragged about "grabbing women by the p***y" is talking about class. Hey, though, at least you posted something instead of just doing the usual drive by negs!
Dude if that pissed you off it’s gonna be a long presidency for you. I’d avoid the internet in general if I were you lol.
Seeing ghosts in your coffee there chief? Mua? Pissed off? I was just calling a spade a spade. The next 4 years promise to be great, fruitful fun. your post strikes as more Lefty TDS desperate flailing projection. PS--can't wait to read your contributions to the TH Trumpgasm catalog, vol. 2. <--me, not pissed.