I love how you leave out Miami (the worst of the bunch) because Dade went for Trump. Really credible metrics you use there.
I’d go Ooltewah where our friends live. When I strap on my six shooter, throw some dip in my mouth, and yell go vawls, I’ll fit right in. I can play the game
Most from NY go to Broward (Ft. Lauderdale) and Palm Beach (West Palm Beach) counties, not Miami-Dade. Miami-Dade is obviously largely Hispanic and South America. Some call it the cultural capital of South America. You also get a decent European influence in Miami. Yes Miami has people who moved there from NY, but it's not the overwhelming majority like it is in Ft. Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Pompano Beach and West Palm Beach. You actually just highlighted the difference. Miami-Dade county went for Trump because many there are from Venezuela, Colombia and Cuba and know first hand what communism and socialism does to a country. They know the only thing communism and socialism will ever bring is pain and suffering. Broward county went for Harris because of the NY expats who believe in a socialist utopia, that is nothing more than a fantasy. It's the NY expats that make Broward and Palm Beach counties blue. Just like locusts, destroy their home and move to another place to destroy it. If NY people wants the liberal politics so much, stay in NY. You don't have a right to destroy places like FL and NC and turn it into NY south just so you can have better weather.
Nice trope. Spoken like someone who's never lived there or who does and is reading some Chamber of Commerce flier. I have. All 3 counties are saturated with NYers and people from the NE generally. Most of the developers are HQd in NY, etc. You're completely full of it. Talk about partisan myopia. The average person would see absolutely no difference between Lauderdale and Miami outside of Spanish NOT being the first language (may have changed by now) and more big buildings. The entire place, from the Palm Beach Co border to the Keys is NY with palm trees. . . Oh, and far less authenticity. It's like if you took all the negative qualities of NY then added palm trees and oppressive humidity. That's South Florida.
Many of the older original owners in the Keys are selling or have sold to out of state people. The ones I know said the northerners have ruined it.
Who cares? Many of those “original owners” were likely northerners themselves who only came down to FL after the advent of A/C.
Because they actually respected the culture they moved to. These people just want to live in a CSI Miami video montage. Lady down the street from my mom ripped down 4 beautiful oaks and replaced them with Royal Palms (non-native). They're human clichés.
They care because it affected them. These are born and raised in the keys and many inherited their property from their parents.
Sounds like alot of people don’t care or have different priorities, or else there wouldn’t be so many selling to “change the culture”? Meanwhile Desantis is turning it into a cruise ship pit stop (against the will of the locals) and the whole thing will probably be under water by 2100 anyway. Maybe the smart money is moving to greener pastures now and dumb money is moving in?
When the life you’ve grown to know and love is slowly disappearing and your property values are going sky high there’s incentive to move. At least the ones I know got a lot of money for their property.
For sure. Many times things change for the better and other times for the worse. Often which one, is in the eyes of the beholder.
Really? You are right that there are New Yorkers in all areas, yes. But no doubt, Broward County and Palm Beach County are majority New York/New Jersey, while Miami-Dade County is majority Hispanic. If you want to debate that, then answer this simple question. Why did Miami-Dade County, for the first time in a long time, vote for a Republican, Trump, in the 2024 Election? Compare that to Broward County and Palm Beach County, who both voted for Harris. Trump dominated Harris, 55% to 43%, in Miami-Dade County. Meanwhile, Harris dominated Trump 57% to 40% in Broward County. Palm Beach County was almost a tie, Harris beat Trump by less than 1%. So if there's no difference, than answer this question? Why were the results in Miami-Dade so different than in Broward? Do you really want me to believe that Conservative New York transplants go to Miami and Liberal New York transplants go to Ft. Lauderdale? So tell me why the Election results are so different? If the demographics are the same, and you tell me there's no difference, than the Election results should have be very close if not almost identical. So answer that for me?
That's what I hate as well. And it's so stupid to me. Yes lets rip down beautiful Live Oaks that provide shade from the brutal Florida summers and replace them with non-native Royal Palms that will provide no shade. And then they complain when they can't use their outside deck or any of the sidewalks in their neighborhoods 8 months out of the year because of the intense heat and sunlight. It's so stupid. If you want Royal Palms then move to the U.S. Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands or Costa Rica.
Let's go ahead and compare shall we: Miami-Dade County: 69% Hispanic, 13% White, 17% Black, 1% Asian, 54% Foreign Born Broward County: 33% Hispanic, 32% White, 31% Black, 4% Asian, 36% Foreign Born So yes, please tell us how Broward County and Miami-Dade County are exactly the same. And yes, these stats came directly from the U.S. Census website. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/miamidadecountyflorida/POP060210