Just out of curiosity, what do you call trying to implement a Constitutional Amendment that has not met the requirements for ratification?
Shirley, you can't be serious. And, no, I will not stop calling you Shirley. Trump was a star on MSNBC visiting Morning Joe regularly...until - He came down the escalator at Trump Tower and he announced his candidacy. FBI spying on his campaign in 2016, PRIOR to him being elected. FBI handing Trump the made-up-for-show document so they could leak it to the press early in his Presidency regarding Russia. Does NONE of this ring a bell? Disregard for democracy! That's a hoot compared to the party who booted Bernie Sanders so Hilary could run, then tossed aside Biden and ran a candidate who had not received one vote for President. Joe, Mr. I'm in the Basement, Biden outperformed Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton and of course Harris by 12 million votes (minimum) in 2020 - no, there was nothing askew there. Nothing to see here folks, nothing at all. EDIT: Where did the millions of Joe Biden votes go? The Left is much more genteel about how they lie and lie they do...as does Trump. Trump is in your face I'll gut you like a fish; whereas, the Left goes through the FBI, the government channels, the courts all to present a facade of appropriateness and righteousness to disregard democracy all day long. Has Joe issued another unconstitutional EO yet today?
Huh? My comment was, of course, about Trump's efforts to overturn the election. And, trying to overturn an election that you lost is disregarding democracy. So I'm not exactly sure what MSNBC has to do with that. Or the FBI not spying. I'm not sure what FBI document you're talking about ... Other than that, you're claiming the election was stolen, is that it?
That mouth never fails to suggest a gaping anus. Always running, out of control spewing the latest foul logorrhea.
The "disregard" for our democracy"l was Democrats using Covid to set up a quasi-election with massive mail-in ballot fraud in 2020. Cowardly judges wouldn't let Trump make his cases in court. They said he didn't have "standing" needed to bring the cases. Where is "standing" mentioned in the Constitution? Nowhere. Democrats challenged the legitimacy of the 2000 and 2004 Bush victories and the 2016 Trump victory. That was their right.
Giving more taxpayer money to other countries and turning their back on North Carolina. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveb...armed-forces-amid-israel-hezbollah-ceasefire/
Thank goodness this administration is done in a matter of hours. Hopefully, much of the progressive nonsense will be flushed into the DC waste treatment system.
nothing a lot of us didn't recognize NY Times drops last-minute CYA 'tell-all' on White House cover-up of Biden's decline · American Wire News
joey could not even do a small fundraiser without a teleprompter what a phony pos https://www.facebook.com/share/18N5t6qsDT/?mibextid=wwXIfr
Well we know the felon is a pos with or without his teleprompter, but poster seems to believe it is the teleprompter equipment that makes Biden a pos. I assure you the teleprompter makes no difference in any regard to the felon being one. Ps Link does not work in above post
while I think joey has dementia- it is how he was so easily duped into committing fraud as he was so mentally fractured someone besides him was calling the shots- and then the cover up of his mental capacity
The point that some here are making in-artfully, is that if you campaigned on decent and restoring dignity to the White House and then had everyone lie about your ability to do the job for 2+ years, you cannot really claim to be bringing dignity back to the White House.
It should be noted that only one of the candidates has ever been convicted of fraud, and it wasn't Biden. It should also be noted that the same candidate has been found or admitted to committing fraud in a variety of civil matters, making him ineligible to run a charity in New York state, for example.