absurd. He asked her pointed questions where she lied or refused to answer. But, she’s working for a convicted felon who nominated her. The little I’ve seen of her I actually thought she would appear smarter in her responses.
It's a tough situation for her to be in when she's applying to work for a criminal but really doesn't want to admit that he's such. Doesn't want to admit the truth, that is. By the way, do you consider Donald Trump to be a criminal?
They were asked in a very pointed manner but "Who won the 2020 election?" could only be considered a gotcha question by the deeply MAGA afraid to answer truthfully lest it upset the guy she is supposed to be running an independent agency under. If someone cannot answer that then you have to wonder how independent they can be.
when did acknowledging reality become a gotcha question? the moment it offends the chosen one? did he win the 2020 election? blink once for yes, two for no..ru kidding me, she can't answer the question? did he ask the LG to find votes? you know damn good and well what she thinks but she can't say it. is that okay with you? do you want an AG who refuses to say no to a potus?
I read the last page of this thread then the posts before this one. I fully expected Bondi to have done well based on comments I saw but it was the exact opposite watching your video. She came off extraordinarily dishonest. Not that it will matter.
None of those Mo-Rons on that panel were a match for Pam. They probably have some sore asses tonight.
Joe Biden won the election. It’s easy. At the same time Bondi could have said just because Biden had the better final score doesn’t mean the referees were not crooked . ( Doeant mean they were either.) Just saying that just because someone admits Biden won doesn’t mean they believe the race wasn’t manipulated. I mean.. Who won the swindle in the swamp? Now.. I do not believe the Dems. CHeated to win the 2020 election. I do think they used extraordinary situations to their advantage far better than the repubs did.
Lol, clever. You're basically explaining how she could accommodated Trump's obvious lies without technically repeating them and lying herself.....so as to avoid angering the traitor felon who......insists that everyone repeat his traitorous lies about fake election fraud. What about just telling the truth? Why isn't that the thing the damn Atty Gen nominee should have done? And how'd we get to this place? Oh, I know: people tolerating lying for a criminal traitor. Weird how with MAGA there doesn't seem to be the option of telling the truth.
I believe there was election fraud and that it has been covered up. I also do not think it will see the light of day in my life time, but at some point the whole truth will come out. Matters little at this point. It is past time to look forward. Biden was President for 4 years and now Trump will serve his 2nd term for another 4 years. I am hoping that he will not waste time on the fraud of 2020 and just concentrate on MAGA.
^ So what you're saying is that Trump nobody can prove those repeated lies about fake election fraud, but now it's time to forget that that ever happened? I assume its the same with the inciting an attack on our Capitol, as part of a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election, and being the first president in US history to attempt to not peacefully transfer power? Hmm. Why so eager to move past the truth? Of Trump's shameful criminality, of course....
Hundreds of court cases, scores of audits, and audits on those audits, ADMISSIONS THROUGH DOCUMENTS THAT THE CLAIMS WERE ALL MADE UP AND ALL UNSUPPORTED, discovery conducted by the country’s best lawyers on both sides in billion dollar lawsuits revealed no fraud, yet you think there was a “coverup “ — a cover up that would include hundreds or thousands of people to succeed. All because Trump just says it. Truly amazing.
I totally disagree with you assertion JO, but in the end it matters little other than to give you something to complain about. In 4 days Trump will be inaugurated and I am sure his 1st moves will give you plenty to complain about.
And after 3 fingers of bourbon i believe that i am the world’s most charming and handsome man and if Selma Hyack could only have the chance to meet me she would leave her bum of a billionaire husband and make me happy forever. No proof of it and despite evidence to the contrary its just something i “believe”.
But those court cases and audits were just facts and evidence and actual reality whereas our mod has his opinion and narrative based on nothing and the claims of a felon with nearly 90 charges of crimes. SMH
I find it difficult to believe that she never heard the actual recording of Trump asking for the votes since it's been played by the media ad infinitum although I guess it's possible.