Q factor and blind loyalty to him and being disruptive. t wants nothing more than to blow up the gubmnt because he thinks it was against him. ultimate retribution. staff every importatn deptartment with preselcted people
What's the difference between Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell and Pam Bondi? All are attorneys and vocal election deniers who promoted the myth that Donald Trump would have won the 2020 election but for significant election fraud. Three of the four were subject to various forms of discipline by their respective State Bars. The fourth was nominated to be the next Attorney General of the United States. The other difference is that although the fourth one made frequent appearances in the right-wing media and especially Fox [not the] News maybe even more so than the others she never actually engaged in election interference while the other three did so.
Tbh, this is a mark of intelligence, a distinction from those other traitorous clowns. She understood all along that the con was. ......just a con, and not to become personally invested in it.
She’s gonna get confirmed but… Senator Schiff: are you familiar with his statement “All I need is 11,780 votes Bondi: not familiar Senator Schiff: are you familiar with his statement “You could just say you recalculated” Bondi not familiar Senator Schiff: are you familiar with his.. Bondi: no habla english
Pam Bondi exposed Adam Schiff for the idiot he is, she owned him. Schiff was looking for yes or no answers that could be used against her if she answered one the wrong way. She was smart enough to throw him answers that made him look foolish but could not be used against her.
LOL. It says something that people have to tell outright lies in order to......not acknowledge the criminality of the traitor criminal they're defending/voting for/lying for/or going to work for. You'd have thought people would have realized this 4 to 8 years ago; one lie for that criminal just leads to the next one. And for voters; one excuse for his abject unfitness for office just leads to the next excuse. Pretty soon, you're lying to yourself about voting for a criminal. Or a rapist.
the dems in that hearing for Pam Bondi showed who the true mysoginists are - what a disgusting display
Ya, sure. Questioning a female nominee is misogyny. Voting for an adjudicated and admitted sexual assaulter, who's been accused of sexual assault or rape, by 27 women is not. You dwell in a fascinating mental place, sir.
Schiff asked questions that could have been answered with a simple yes or no and Bondi skillfully evaded answering them. It was very obvious that her primary objective was to avoid saying anything that could be considered unfavorable to the guy who nominated her.
Those aren’t quotes. She was asked if she heard it and she said she has seen clips but would need to hear the full context which was 1 hour long. They then moved on to try some other gotcha questioning.
LOL. "Gotcha questioning" = asking her if she's familiar with a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. Ya, totally inappropriate to ask a candidate for position of nation's top law enforcement officer. Don't ask her about freaking crime, lol.
She played the dumb blond perfect. Never heard any of those famous trump statements so can't comment on them. another loyal servant that will end up like so many others and give up all sense of self respect to be left in his wake..
She put shifty Schiff in his place. She flat out told him she would follow the law, unlike the clown show that was the Democrat's attempt to go after Donald Trump and others on the right with so much false information and accusations trying to get something that would stick.