Either boy or girl, healthy of course. Future Gator Football player or player on women’s volleyball team. Congrats Tim!
Congrats Tim and Demi. Now if you read this blog site, the listen to a wise recommendation. Go out on Amazon and purchase two copies of The Power of Positive Parenting by Glenn Latham. One for each of you to read and discuss. It is the proverbial owners manuel for raising a child.
Now all they have to do is get a billionaire from South Africa to be the godfather... set for life. Just kidding people...
"Mr. Tebow,it's a boy!" "Praise the Lord! For real?" "It's not his throwing motion that's elongated."
Congratulations Tim and Demi. You two have an awesome responsibility before you. I can't think of two people that are more ready for the challenge. I will praying for both of you as this amazing journey begins.