With one week remaining in joey's term, it looks like most voters view him as a failure Biden's disaster — most voters give him failing marks for leadership, key policies: I&I/TIPP Poll - The Daily Bo Snerdley
They must have interviewed people wearing MAGA hats outside a Trump rally. Educated people know better and history will prove it.
Robert Barnes says the Bidens are making one last cash grab after selling access for decades. They're selling pardons. And Biden will pardon his crime family before leaving office so they're going to get away with it. How much Barnes knows and how much is conjecture I don't know.
After a couple months of Trump, Biden will be remembered as a respectably competent president, just like Obama was a few months after he left office. It takes a couple months for people to recognize that Trump doesn't know what he's doing. Being a demagogue gets him into office, but doesn't help him govern.
Regardless of how Trump doesn’t it won’t erase the memory of Biden’s failing cognition. His debate performance is etched in the minds of people and they won’t forget. He will have very limited speaking engagements here on out (post Jan 20th) just to try to maintain soothe idea he hasn’t totally lost it all.
When Truman left office his approval rating was very low. History shows that he is one of the better Presidents of the 20th century.
A bad debate is one bad night. It doesn't change the other 1460 days of Biden's presidency, and in the grand scheme of things, does not affect his legacy, other than to make him a one-term president instead of two. Biden will be judged on what his administration accomplished. He will be known as the first modern-day president (in over a century) to successfully take on a widespread and deadly pandemic and essentially defeat it. He will be known for his support of Ukraine in their fight against an imperialistic Russia, along with unifying Europe against Russia. And he'll be known for his support of Taiwan against China. He will also be known for low unemployment across the U.S. towards the end of his tenure. What do you think Trump should be known for, if anything, from his first term? Trump did kill a few jobs, and he spent a lot of money. He cut taxes for corporations, increasing the federal debt by $3 trillion before Covid hit while making billionaires wealthier. He also offended leaders of many nations, making it much harder for the U.S. to work with other countries to do anything internationally. He appeared weak in his dealings with Iran, and didn't do much to improve the middle east.
You're probably not wrong. But don't forget that possessing failing cognition is far superior to being an outright criminal.
Not as sad as one who believes that a reality television star and failed real estate developer has the competence to be the President of the United States especially considering that he seriously mishandled the most significant crisis of his first term. Said it before within less than a year it will be obvious why Trump left office with an approval rating of 34% in the one of the last polls of his first term.
Sorry Chem, while Biden was POTUS much of what you said did happen. However Biden won’t get much credit for it. In particular “beating covid” with a vaccine that was developed under the guy before him. More died from Covid under Biden’s presidency. The debit under Biden will surpass Trump’s spending by the time Biden takes office. Fact-checking Biden on debt accumulated under Trump My take also isn’t meant to suggest Trump will be remembered as better than Biden BTW. Just that Biden isn’t going to be thought of as some great President, regardless of how the cheerleaders try to make it so.