I have never contracted the Flu playing video games so video games are an excellent natural remedy for the flu. I think I am ready to become a MAGA!
Well if it’s influenza and you’ve been sick for more than 48 hours that’s correct. However if it’s influenza and you start Tamiflu within 48 hours of onset of symptoms (sometimes hard to do) it will short the length of illness and less the severity. Influenza usually starts suddenly and comes on like a ton of bricks.
Which is why Tamiflu really is just a money maker for Big Pharma while providing no real benefit. And the only small benefit it provides is maybe lessening severity if you take it early enough. Something I would argue could also maybe be attained by doing much cheaper remedies (loading up Vit C/etc).
What are the effects of drugs like Tamiflu, etc as it relates to compromising one's immune system? A healthy human body's immune system can defeat most viruses on its own and without medicine. We know the body's immune system strengthens when this happens. So what happens when we augment with drugs? Does the body build up the equal immune system response to the virus or is it compromised by these drugs to a certain degree?
I'm sure @PITBOSS is one helluva performer. If it makes it to video, great, but I'm not going to not read the book if it's released.
You just admitted Tamiflu may only work if taken within the first 48 hours which is pretty hard to accomplish. Why would you prescribe something you know does not work based on studies? I am just saying you may get just as good of results from cheaper methods. Do you think the Cochrane Review is wrong? Tamiflu and Relenza: getting the full evidence picture
There is no evidence Tamiflu reduces hospitalization or death. It it might reduce length of the virus if taken early enough by less than a day. I don’t know how much it costs. Is suppose if you have a good insurance policy it might be fully covered? This is another one of the medical dogmas that people just believe. Big Pharma created this particular dogma.
Again. Not saying it works. Just saying it is sufficient… Effect of micronutrient supplements on influenza and other respiratory tract infections among adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis The effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing and relieving the symptoms of virus-induced respiratory infections - PubMed Quick search. Zinc and a few other things as well show positive results. My whole point is Tamiflu has become medical dogma that benefits Big Pharma. It does not prevent hospitalization or death. The true end points that matter. And the reduction one might get is small.
Only 500 flu deaths a year. Wait, only 18 flu deaths in a year. Actually, no one dies from the flu but a scare campaign was needed … Even that 500 figure for the U.S. could be too high, according to analyses in authoritative journals such as the American Journal of Public Health and the British Medical Journal. Only about 15-20 per cent of people who come down with flu-like symptoms have the influenza virus* -- the other 80-85 per cent actually caught rhinovirus** or other germs*** that are indistinguishable from the true flu without laboratory tests, which are rarely done. In 2001, a year in which death certificates listed 257 Americans as having died of flu, only 18 were positively identified as true flus. The other 239 were simply assumed to be flus and most likely had few true flus among them. *not a virus **also not a virus ***germs not the bogeyman Note: pneumonia is real, though neither a viral nor a bacterial cause Don't Believe Everything You Read About Flu Deaths
I’m saying it works great if taken in the right time frame. I’ve never written it after 48 hours of symptoms. It’s not that hard nowadays to get seen in the first 48 hours. There’s an UCC on almost every corner.
Not sure where you get the idea the labs aren’t hardly done. We did them in every ER/UCC I have ever worked at it takes about 15 minutes with a simples nasal swab. Hell you can do them at home now. Anytime was admitted someone with respiratory illness it was done.
Gotcha. Most people would prefer not to be as sick for as long so in the right setting it’s great. As for zinc and C I take it anytime there is a spike in respiratory illness or if someone in my house has URI. Not against it.
I’ve never had a flu test and never know anyone to have . I know you know that historically so-called viruses have been diagnosed based on symptoms and “what’s going around.”
I guess you live in a cave then. I’ve ordered thousands over the years. But you also don’t believe Viruses or bacteria exist because you can’t see them so I guess it makes sense.