I have a real hard time even beginning to understand how joey and his admin can think men should be allowed to be in the ladies locker room or to compete in woman’s sports https://www.theblaze.com/fearless/biden-title-ix-rewrite-rejected
Just the other day joey let a woman into the men's room I was in. No, a woman woman. I feel aggrieved. Where's Tuckums when you need him.
I love it when these posters get so cranked up about this. According to the NCAA there are well less than 10 athletes competing in all NCAA sports who identify as transgender. If people actually spent all that energy doing something constructive instead of just hating, the world would be a better place and we would have a different president elect.
There are 510K NCAA athletes. Fewer than 10 are transgendered. Obviously this is one of THE most important things that we need to worry about.
All of a sudden those people see nothing wrong with it when their leader does something stupid like this.
Such a small number and yet our president is making it a point to re-write Title IX over it. You and me are supposed to have bigger fish to fry, but the POTUS, nah.. he didn't have other more important matters to tend to.
No, in your own words. What specific thing was stupid? I'll give you a hint, transgender athletes were not mentioned. thanks
And yet the entire Dem party is trying to flip every law and the majority of women's rights on its head because of it, when a simple "NO you can't participate" would have stopped this non sense years ago. And fewer than 10 would have been upset. While the majority carried on. Just another symptom of why the left lost and they can't see it. They focused on the smallest of things that meant the least to the majority of the populace but would force the majority to change their lives.
That is an incomplete analysis. How many hundreds if not thousands of real female athletes are impacted by these 10 men’s significant competitive advantages?
One more time: Judge scraps Biden's Title IX rules, reversing expansion of protections for LGBTQ students