I posted this on a thread. But think it deserves a thread to itself. Tamiflu is Big Pharma. Much like the shenanigans of Covid. My hope is that we will be able to stop the madness. A drug pushed through with no proof its benefits outweighed the risks. Tamiflu campaign | The BMJ
So has anything happened in the past 10 years on this? Ive always heard Tamiflu can decrease the length of the flu if taken early on but since I’ve never had the flu, don’t have any first hand experience with it
My opinion is big pharma loves that this is the perception. And perception is reality. I am pretty confident if we dive in…we will find that we all get better without the need of a drug. Especially if we follow normal “cheap” methods. Rest. Walk when able. Vitamin C. Etc…
But tamiflu is advertised as enabling you to get better sooner. I take an airborne everyday and get very few colds
Big Pharma loves that. Go buy your cheap Vitamin C supplements and you will save a doctors visit and script…
If you look into the issue. Big pharma pushed the studies so they could “advertise” as they do. 10 studies all Big Pharma and only 2 published. I am not telling anyone to not go get their doctor to give them a script for Tamiflu. But I honestly think it is a waste of money.
The flu shot is no longer “advertised” the way it was. Much more like Tamiflu it will lessen your symptoms. No proof. But take it. Big Pharma profits!
Flu shots are literally everywhere. Printed banners outside of drug store chains. Every employer I have ever worked for offered them, up to the present. There is a commercial on ESPN Radio every break. My insurance company begs me to get them. They actually mail things to me (paper!!) not to mention the digital stuff. I am interested to hear how your life shields you from this exposure.
Back when I was inspecting residences in Orange county my area included the homes of a lot of Central Florida's rich and famous, except for David Siegel's 90,000sf monstrosity the biggest house I ever inspected belonged to a guy in big pharma.....One day I asked the contractor "what does this guy do for a living?" he answered drugs. I said should have known he was a drug dealer. The contractor answered "No, he sells legal drugs".
Quick reminder to everyone, get your flu shot and also shingles if you’re > 50. Publix has a great pharmacy for vaccines at little to no cost. Don’t fall for the conspiracy theories on why you shouldn’t. Talk with your doc.
If the mailer convinces you… Go take one if you want to pay big pharma is my take. I am not. But your choice.
Tamiflu lessens the severity and length of time with Influenza A. Trouble is it’s most effective when started within 48 hours of symptoms. Often people aren’t properly diagnosed that soon. Those are the facts. Personally I last had the flu decades ago, so I’ve never taken it but people who do early enough always seem to improve much faster. Zinc and high does Vitamin C also seem to lessen and shorten the course.
If I see my doctor, there'll be five more days of flu symptoms. If I don't see my doctor, I'll feel better early next week. There's something familiar about that.
I got prescribed that crap once and got so sick I stopped using it after day one. I have no idea why it made me so sick, it was just bad medicine. I will never again take that stuff.