Sam wasn't going to catch for us after Cotrill came in and her and Delbrey obviously became close and Delbrey was a head case her whole time. She had all the talent but her mental game was not strong.
Practice started yesterday, and it was a heartwarming sight to see player's cars lined down the hill.
Julia was here 2021, Sam was here in 2022. I liked both of the them. I hated it when both of them transferred. I’m not sure Sam would make the field with our current roster. She is good, but her fielding was suspect. She probably was better off transferring. She is is a star at Louisiana.
It’s 25 degrees in Plano, TX right now. I am ready for winter to be over already so we can play ball!
Actually, UF's schedule disagrees with ASU's and GCU's schedule. UF's schedule says UF plays Cal Baptist and ASU at ASU's stadium (Farrington) on Friday (2/21/25), and then at GCU stadium UF plays New Mexico State, and Grand Canyon on Saturday (2/22/25), then Iowa State on Sunday. However, ASU says UF plays ASU on Friday (2/21/25) at ASU's stadium. And GCU says UF plays California Baptist, New Mexico State, and Grand Canyon all on Saturday (2/21/25), and then Portland State on Sunday (2/22/25). I'm prone to believe ASU's and GCU's schedules because: 1) they do not conflict with each other, and 2) they are the hosts for their tournament. Also, the GCU statement that all of GCU's games will be on ESPN+ means (to me) that the UF vs GCU game will be the only UF game of the tourney to be streamed. I hope I'm wrong. On GCU's schedule they did include the "watch" link button next to all of the GCU stadium games (that would mean 4 UF games). One would think that the ASU/UF game has a good chance to be streamed, but there is no indication on the ASU schedule that any of the ASU stadium games will.
I got confirmation from GCU that UF vs GCU is only Gator game to be streamed from their part of the tournament. I’m still waiting for reply from ASU. Same from CTW. I asked him for a list of games that would not be available and asked what we fans could do to get USF, ASU and UF to get them streamed. If anyone has any ideas about if, and how we can possibly get the responsible parties to change their position please post your ideas. I mentioned to CTW that if he could get every thing done with the OKLA ST. Game last year including ESPN+, he could get all the games on.
FWIW, I plan on attending the ASU/GCU tourney. If needed, I would be happy to post the details of the games (albeit not real-time).
There is nothing Walton can do to assist on away games. He has no control over that. There is nothing he can do with our own home February tournament games that aren't on tv due to our inadequate broadcasting facility. He has no control over that. All he can do is complain to the AD but even that won't do any good since it has been reported the AD just doesn't care about the situation. A couple years ago I wrote to the communications director at USF asking for them to broadcast all of their tournament. They didn't respond. I mentioned it to Tim that they didn't even respond and he apologized, which is ridiculous since he has no control over that either.
Katie is one of my all time favorites, she ranks with Amanda, Francesca, Kelsey, Hannah (both) and Lauren.
KSP is starting to wake up. Observations on practice. 3B-Barnard, Hovermale, Cahalan, Comia SS-Holtorf 2B-Mia 1B-Ava, Jocey, Walsh OF-No one played any position. P- No sighings except Ava at 1B. Just glad to see Gators on the field.