Nothing lately, no. But historically speaking, whenever violence starts breaking out at home, ethnic minority units stop paying attention to whatever foreign adventure they’re engaged in and return to protect their families as soon as they can get away with it. That’s one of the good military reasons for not racially or regionally segregating units.
So with a regiments withdrawing and lines collapsing, you still think it will take the Russians about 6 months to take Pokrovsk. And just so are both on the same sheet of music, let's agree that the following map is where everyone is currently located for future reference: Interactive Map: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
Again, you’re fairly transparent. Your prior hatred of Russia has you imposing arbitrary timelines and strategies upon them. Tit-for-tat: the mighty US chased out of Afghanistan by goat herders. As for Ukrainian desertions, it’s worse than I thought …
I'm trying to figure out when your top notch sources suggest the RGF is going to reach Pokrovsk or at least when you think they are. Seeing as you have been given multiple opportunities to give an opinion and have declined to do so, it would seem you are scared to actually put a date on the calendar.
Actually, there is a timeline for Russia in this war, and it's not arbitrary. When Russia's economy collapses or when an anti-Putin group forms and decides that they've had enough and is actually able to overthrow Putin, then the war is over, and Ukraine presumably gets its land back. There is no telling when the second thing might happen, but there are indicators (inflation, ruble value, etc.) for the first. Most experts believe that an economic collapse is likely in 12-18 months. Obviously, the sanctions are working. Russia's wealthiest customers are no longer using their oil and gas (or buying it at discount through third parties). Western companies have pulled out of Russia, and are not supplying Russia with parts for their military. Russia has very few friends it can rely on--even China does not want to do business with Russia anymore because of the threat of sanctions on their banks. Russia has to rely on North Korea and Iran, both of which have their own problems.
One of Ukraine's Su-27 pilots details his experiences since the start of the war, and explains how western weapons are far better than Russian ones. The pilot's call sign is "Viking". Ukrainian Su-27 Flanker Pilot’s Rare Account Of The Changing Air War
It's called "civilization". There is a reason that Russia and China are not part of that group. There are also a lot of nations that are either dependent on those two countries in some way, or intimidated by them. Deal with it and be glad that you live in a civilized country.
I would have thought that a new round of conscription, politically risky as it is, would be better than this idea. Russia’s war in Ukraine takes a desperate turn at home
One of the blessings of living in our country is we don’t have to worry about American bombs and missiles and proxies. Because civilized.
It doesn't take that many working brain cells to figure out that Afghanistan is a country, and Pokrovsk is a small town that most people have never heard of. Apparently, you can make asinine and irrelevant comparisons all day. Congratulations, Lee Harvey.
I'm sure he has spent the last couple days trying to find Pokrovsk on a map and checking his elite sources about when Russia will capture it and has not been able to find anything, so he is using the Cliff Clavin Jeopardy answer method of answering the question.
Russia cannot even really rely on Iran anymore since the Israeli JSF's took out Iran's S-300's which leaves them completely vulnerable to follow on air strikes. The Iranians are trying to not provoke the Israelis and no longer supporting Russia's efforts in Ukraine is one way to do that. All the US munitions have just been kicking their Russian equivalents rear ends over the last year or two.
For anyone interested in a running tally of Russian equipment destroyed in this war, this site is pretty good: Losses ∙ Russia ∙ WarSpotting
Before we jump to another subject, as you are wont to do, I gather you concede Americans like yourself concede that, by the policies of our government - and by the contours of our society - we have no basis for deriding other countries as ‘uncivilized’ ? As for your arbitrary timelines: Mariopul wasn’t taken until it was taken. Donetsk wasn’t taken until it was taken. Bakhmut wasn’t taken until it was taken. Avdeevka wasn’t taken until tl it was taken … Finally, I don’t get why a CIA dupe like yourself would call anyone else Lee Harvey.
Ukraine is upgrading their Patriot missile systems with steel armor plates. Ukraine is giving its US-made Patriot systems steel armor to protect them from Russian missile shrapnel