Maybe I missed a post about this before but he popped in my head and when I searched the latest post I could find from Oaktown was almost 4 years ago in 2021?
I really don't recall the details. But it was a separation of his choosing. We miss his levelheadedness as fellow mods. I do know that.
seems like he was going to take a break and decided to extended. a sane and reasonable poster and mod.
What kind of weird world do you live in? What is MAGA? Are you using code language to describe white people you hate? Sad.
pick three sources to be used to be used for rational discussion/dispute. any three from the middle column. for each one left, pick one right of center. can we start with agreeing to credible sources to determine what is fact and what is fiction? opinion pieces are excluded Media Bias Chart | AllSides
As an aside, I like how leftists brand MAGA a cult. Cults don’t argue with one another. They fall in line. Like Democrats.
Sure, it's in response to your unprovoked attack on all the mods, who actually do a good job. As for “Maga”, its easy to type and a well-known term for you & other Trump supporters. The acronym is on hats, clothing & flags and trump himself frequently & proudly uses it. so maga would seem accurate and acceptable.
He no longer wanted to deal with the insults and the perpetual lies that intentionally or ignorantly flood this forum. One of our Too Hot regulars met with him a couple of years back. He can add to this thread if he desires, but I won't, but to say Oaktown left California to return to Florida about 8 years ago. He lives in the St Pete area.
Your quips and one liners have a Rodney Dangerfieldesque quality about them. What was his usual line of summation? Oh yeah, "I don't get no respect."