Got my first game right, and ND is my 5 pointer. Oddly i feel they can make it to the championship game because of the bracket they're in. With Beck being Out I think they can sneak one on UGA and take care of Penn state/SMU/ Boise state. How ever that shakes out. Then who knows what will happen in the title game.
For real, I think the top half of the bracket is the toughest which contains Texas, tenn, clemson, Ohio state and Oregon.
It's like I don't even know you any more. Lets see if I care enough next time to put you on another milk carton when you go missing again.
I'm not hating , I'm 2-0 with 8 points in this playoff bracket thus far. I'm just keeping you on your toes
I had Ohio state but bazza reminded me we had to have a bye week team so I dropped them even tho they looked good because their path going forward involves Texas and Oregon.
Kind of like how this season has gone, I just realized I made a mistake with my picks. I did not move Arizona St to my 3 point spot. Oh well, maybe they will suprise me.
Here are the totals through the Bowl Week. Get out your calculators and start figuring things out!!! It's easy for me, I know I'm done and will be relinquishing the title! --Total-- Name ---189--- MRG8R ---182--- gator954 ---180--- gatormonk ---178--- tommyvee ---172--- eastowest ---169--- Wanne15 ---168--- Gatorhead ---166--- Bazza ---164--- SmootyGator ---164--- 2oldgator ---161--- obone ---160--- senecagator ---159--- pigpen ---159--- gatortenor37 ---158--- gatordavisl ---153--- ocalaman ---152--- gator_n_sc ---151--- manigordo ---149--- danmanne65 ---148--- igabradley ---147--- kes ---146--- GoCocks3877 ---143--- bperkins10 ---133--- phatGator ---133--- ETGator ---128--- Gatorrick22 ---125--- ApexNC ---118--- audiogatorjim ---111--- GratefulGator ---106--- GatorPrincess8 ---085--- jcmiller910 ---067--- wrrgator ---013--- gatorstevelp
Ifni was only able to have kept my original 3 picks in the playoffs I'd have all three still in play but I had to swap out Ohio state for Oregon. (Who looked awfulI yesterday) truthfully I felt the better teams were the lower seeded non bye week teams and its proving to be exactly that as UGA is the last bye week team and I think their chances were the lowest of the four bye week teams. Either way the week I missed my picks (which ended up being the 2nd highest scoring week on avg) proved to be too much to over come that late in the season. Coupled with a crazy bowl week picks that was full of last second losses, 1 score losses, overtime losses, halftime player opt outs etc. My come back bid fell well short. Lol
I just did a quick calculation and it doesn't look like anyone will be able to catch @MRG8R . I think it's all over, but feel free to check my math.
I was thinking of a new hitch for next season. What if we added something like a "Bracket buster" for like 50pts at the end. I like the playoffs picks that we did this year but it didn't cause much separation. I'm thinking the "Bracket Buster" would give other players a little down the standings a punchers chance or allow someone to seal it "IF" they can successfully pick a complete correct Bracket. That would mean picking 11 correct games without getting any wrong and busting their bracket. Also would keep other players still engaged if they fall behind by 20 or 30 points. Because there would still be a lucky shot at the end. It's a chance to "Seal it or Steal it"
I do want to change things up somewhat when it comes to the post season. It will likely be something with the bowl game week. Although I benefited from it in the first pick'em season, the bowl games are too much of a crapshoot. Things changed WAY too much for a bunch of meaningless games that we have no idea who's playing or not. Tommy dominated the whole regular season, then had a mediocre bowl week scoring 27/55, but then was basically knocked out of contention. That's kind of like scoring 7/15 on a regular season week. It's going to happen, but it won't ruin your season. Options might include doing 2 bowl weeks at regular point scoring, or maybe just making the bowl week 7 or 8 teams instead of 10. If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be happy to entertain them. As for the playoffs, it's tough to really look at right now as they aren't over. Also, this was the first year of having them so I don't know if this "seeding issue" is going to be normal or just a one-off this year. I want to see the point spreads at the end before I start tinkering around with it.