Biden gives $1.6Billion to Africa WHAT ABOUT NC, JOE? Biden Announces $1B in New Aid for Africa [WATCH]
Why "Africa" instead of the more specific label? Why is this poster continually permitted to break the board rule on OPs?
The cronies have to get it in before they leave. PS: I am now identifying as "Africa" and will be checking my mailbox daily.
In this thread, the federal government has given, and will give, no aid whatsoever to North Carolina. It's as accurate as when Trump himself was running around telling the racist lie that FEMA gave all their money to immigrants.
What rule did the OP break? He made a comment about the amount of aid and the thread title and the OP are taken from the linked article.
Q. Initial posts must contain original comment from the person starting a thread. An initial post containing only a linked headline, meme, or quote may be deleted if it does not also include an original comment from the person starting the thread on why the OPster thinks the posted topic worthy of discussion or debate. Comments must be more substantial than an inane, "This is interesting." Poster is required to expand on what's interesting about the topic being posted This isn't the only time. It's been a theme.
So the Big Guy pledges a billion dollars to Africa while people in NC are still living in tents? A big FU to the citizens who lost everything in the hurricanes. Can this pledge be rescinded when the new administration takes control, or will they try to send our tax dollars there before leaving office?
Trump gave at least 28 Billion to Africa during his 4 years ... Watch the thread .... now it will be perfectly OK ... LOL.
And that's the trouble with threads like this and the usual rightwing outrage over this story. This is not a matter of Biden personally choosing to give $1 billion to Africa when he could just give it those affected by Helene. Congress approves funds, including foreign aid and FEMA. You can always make the claim that we shouldn't give any money to foreign countries because there are people in need in the U.S., whether they're hurricane victims or just needy. But we have given billions to other countries for a very long time. Though I suppose it used to be millions. The country has enough real problems with the political split, the dishonesty and/or ignorance that drives claims like this only hurt the country.
Well let me help you out there sparky. The issue isn't helping "Africa" (any more than it's money to aid Ukraine...)--its prioritizing foreign projects and desires, over domestic/American needs. Doh! Biden, along with the rest of your globalist whore party remains ever more concerned with how their worldly lil finger in the air tea sipping elitist aspirational peers think of them, than what their actual own deplorable peon citizens, whom they were actually elected to serve. PS: that's why y'all will he picking your nuts on the sidelines for at least the next 2, maybe 4, maybe 8.... years....
He should have given it to Nude Africa IMO, that way at least someone in NC would benefit, am I right?
I’m not even sure what the supposed connection is, other than a few right wing articles pointed the sheep to this “but what about North Carolina!?” and their unthinking souls are obliged to run with it. It’s what they do. Same deal as the idea hurricane relief was somehow being redirected to illegals. How dumb does a person have to be to believe that? Given Helene is going to cost $100 Billion, the idea any American is “sleeping in tents” because of some totally separate $1B African aid is ludicrous on its face. If nothing else, it should be obvious that type of destruction (specifically in the mountains) will take *years* to rebuild. The NCDOT worked wonders getting things passable pretty quickly, but I’d imagine permanent fixes will take many many years. I saw some instances where rivers were actually rerouted by the violence of the flood, so they are having to do some serious earth moving to put things back (and just common sense it’s probably not a good idea to just simply “put the road” back, but instead try to build or establish on the new high ground). Some engineering will be required where effectively roads were split in half due to collapsed earth beneath them.
Hope you did as well, I fed 200 first responders the Thursday before Thanksgiving for the 8th year in a row. I can post pictures if you would like proof - on second thought - here you go