Beating them is proper turnabout.......and should be enough. You'd be OK teaching your kids to do something classless like this? I sure wouldn't. It's all about showing everyone who has more class.....not getting into a pissing contest.......
I am excited that this team is going to get to go to a bowl. Hopefully, the Gator Bowl. We will not embarrass the state like the clowns did losing 63-3. Ha ha ha
I am not okay with the flag planting and we would not like it if they did it to Florida Field that said Norvelle is an ass for not shaking hands
I condone any and all actioms that lead to increasing and expanding the humiliation of the Holes. Plant the flag unapologetically and stomp on their logo!!!!!!!! I will NEVER change my opinion about this.
This is an unnecessary distraction. Here we are talking about flag planting instead of play calling. We should have won by 50
That's why the Urban timeouts were the best get back in CFB history, ya'll get to enjoy this blowout a little bit longer.
We’ve never done it before but goodness knows they’ve been doing BS for years to us so meh. I won’t cry about it. Just don’t make it a habit.
It's a game the kids put their bodies on the line and want to celebrate...its not like they urinated on the logo. Sometimes the other teams and fans have to stop being so sensitive and having their feelings hurt over a flag plant.
I am not saying it is proper..but saying some are making it a bigger deal than it is, but it isn't as bad as what they do to other teams...just saying no one is perfect I am sure Billy didn't want that..guaranteed...but it is nt that big a we will have to agree to disagree .. kids..but taught and understand some times kids make poor decisions and learn from mistakes..sure Billy will address it