With the Alabama and Ole Miss losses yesterday, the LegHumpers back into the SEC Championship Game against the winner of Texas-TAMU. We can discuss the SECCG here. I think it's most likely a re-match of the Texas-LegHumper game from earlier. We'll also see if conference championship games affect the play-offs (I doubt it) . . . maybe seeding. They should, IMO.
Uh, we know those games affect the playoff, look up the format/rules. SEC champ is probably looking at the #2 overall seed, while the SECCG loser could be anywhere from #6 (if its Texas) to out (if its A&M)
Texas at tamu night game is going to be fun. Lone Star Showdown: The History of the Texas and Texas A&M Rivalry
This comes under be careful what you wish for. Happy to see Bama lose, but that put Georgia in Atlanta. Weird tiebreakers if the Aggies still could get to Atlanta after losing to Auburn and SC. Hope Texas destroys them, but ya never know these days what team shows