When you repeatedly call others stupid, it presumes you do know better. Now you’re claiming you don’t. lol, what the hell is it all about?
My reply to them would be, "what's your excuse?". Stupid is stupid and everything I've seen from MAGA is just plain stupid. To the point that where I generally agree (America first), the application is so stupid (tariffs on our allies? Just push them back into China's arms?) as to make the milquetoast alternative preferable. JMHO. We can agree to disagree here if you like. P.S. No matter what happens tomorrow, all any of us can do is hope for the best. So, maybe we can just leave it at that.
That’s fair. I’m not a big fan of the tariffs and doubt he’ll deliver on them as he likes to boast. Some Trump tariffs remain as Biden/Harris never squashed them once they had their chance. You tell me. Maga isn’t as easy a broad target as you like to think. It’s nuanced and ample people vote against liberal dumbassery as they do for the cult of personality.
Yes, China tariffs and China policy in general. But this is a perfect example of where I fall out with MAGA. My MAGA friends refuse to acknowledge this and some even insist Biden is pro-China. I'm sorry, but in light of the evidence, that's just a dumb take. I hope you're right about the general tariffs. That just seems like a horrible idea. China makes sense as that's as geopolitical as it is economic. These electric cars, for instance, are all about getting Americans hooked on cheap (due to CCP subsidies) electric cars. Been down this road before. No thanks.