I've noticed Tucker invoking religious language more the last couple years. Would be interesting if he really believes this happened. Of course, we know he is willing to say things to his viewers that he doesn't actually believe. Tucker Carlson Says Demon Attack Left Him Bleeding In His Bed With ‘Claw Mark’ Scars Carlson went on to say that he consulted his assistant, an evangelical Christian, because he had “never heard of anything like that happening before,” and that she told him, “That happens, people are attacked in their bed by demons.” “What are you even talking about!” exclaimed Carlson while laughing an recalling the conversation. The former Fox News host said that after the attack, he was “seized with this very intense desire to read the Bible.” He said that reading and then beginning to reread it had been a “transformative experience.” “Do you think God allowed the demon?” asked Heers.
People who say stuff like that fall into two categories… liars and loonies… probably had to make up a story to tell his wife after a prostitute fought back a little…
The scarier part is that there are probably literally millions of people who believe him. I was listening to this story on NPR about a Nigerian charity that helps people clear their name when they are accused of being witches (so the people don't get lynched). I was thinking "man, can you imagine living somewhere where that was a possibility?" Then this story pops up. Maybe it's time to open a US-based chapter?
Sounds like his wife must have found him with claw marks on his back and he needed to make up an excuse.
I love the "Oh I asked my evangelical assistant, she said it happens all the time!" and that is somehow authoritative. It's like "I asked the Nigerian who accused me of witchcraft if it was common. She said "oh yeah, there are witches everywhere""
This assclown could be our next president in 2028. I wish I was joking. Same goes for Rogan. We have jumped the shark as a nation.
Got drunk, picked up a hooker who happened to be a demon. You guys going to pretend that’s never happened to you?
Here's a pretty comprehensive list of presidential candidates in 2028: Top 58 Instagram Influencers List EDIT to add Mr. Camacho
If it makes him a better person, great, but he may become just like many newborns and evangelicals. That is to say, he really didn't experience Jesus.
Some of you have never tangled with a succubus and it shows. Definition of SUCCUBUS a demon assuming female form to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep