"Capitalizing on this miseducation and ignorance, Republican politicians have stumbled upon a remarkably effective political strategy: preach tax cuts as the be-all and end-all of successful economic policy; ignore the ways in which federal income tax cuts often lead to increased tolls, fees and property, sales, and excise tax increases; relinquish all but rhetorical opposition to the federal deficits created by federal tax cuts; and cap it off by hinting repeatedly that more could be done — allegedly to great effect — by reducing government spending directed at “undeserving” and “unambitious” poor people of color. Finding it quite easy, as well, to paint their Democratic rivals as proponents of higher taxes in general, even as the Republican strategy produces higher regressive taxes that most citizens feel quite readily, Republican political leaders have their cake and eat it too, riding a diffuse anti-tax sentiment to political victory." David Shreve: The irony of American political economics For the ad hominemers, in advance: https://www.allsides.com/news-source/daily-progress
Are you talking about Republicans or MAGA. I’d pick Republicans over Democrats, but Democrats over MAGA. MAGA is grossly irresponsible for money. Look no further than Florida, where our MAGA governor steals our state funds to pay for his anti-abortion and anti-marijuana ballot campaigns.
Obviously so many areas of effective stewardship. But one that is now ignored is our debt. And Trump, Biden and then harris or Trump continue to grow our debt.
This graph is correct in sentiment, but not entirely accurate. It lists debt according to which POTUS was in office, not taking into account that, for example, the 2009 budget was drafted by Bush and the 2021 budget by Trumputin.
Yes. The numbers in the exhibit are correct, but the first year shown under Obama (2009) reflects George W's last budget and the first year under Biden (2021) reflects Trump's last budget.
Did Trump have the best economy in history in the three years before Covid??? Of course not. He's LYING! (As always.) The last 3 years under Obama were BETTER THAN the first 3 years under Trump. Obama turned the economy around after Bush's Great Recession. Then Trump rode Obama's economic coat-tails.
Virtually every major economic stat, employment, GDP, inflation, stock market, is better under Dem presidents than Repubs. Maybe it's just luck.
W left us with 2 wars and financial crisis. All that was self inflicted (with Iraq and all that came with it, not even debatable) Trump left us with Covid. You could call Covid “bad luck” as it likely wasn’t containable, but Trump mismanaged the crisis and made it a worse shitshow with his carnival barking. Once he started taking over the press conferences, I knew it was f$&&@$.