I will be praying for you David to heal and recover quickly. For your family to help you and serve you. For God to bless you!
I have known Dave since our 7th grade year at Lake Shore Junior High. He was great guy (and funny too) back then and still is today. Prayers for Dave and his family.
Update: I received a text from Donna (David's wife) this morning. He will undergo dialysis today and the doctors hope this will restart his kidneys. They don't think he will need dialysis permanently. He is in St. Thomas West in Nashville, TN.
Get better! 20 years ago, 2003ish, you sent a VCR to me, for my dad. 1995 game tape of FSU vs UF, he loved it. You are a generous person.
Thank you Oklahoma — you’re in our thoughts and prayers David. Let’s all hope and pray for more encouraging news of your recovery. Go Gators!
Thanks for the update. David keep fighting. You can beat this. Prayers for Growl, the family and the doctors helping you.
Happy Sunday Growl! I hope the Docs are getting you hooked up with some good care and dialysis. I know this is horribly unfortunate, but we're truly pulling for you and expect good results. This is Georgia week, so we're expecting miracles across the board, one for you and another for the Gators! Blessings and may the good lord shine his light down on you and guide the doctors care accordingly. Be well. Go Gators.
I received an update from his wife this evening: His kidneys have not responded yet but he will have dialysis again tomorrow. The blockage in his intestine is slowly dissolving. She thanked everyone for their thoughts and prayers.