I wonder why Walz would be campaigning in Kentucky? It has a democratic governor but last poll in May had Trump +20 over Biden. Seems weird. He heads to NC after to hit 4 or 5 cities then Philly on Friday which make sense. Tim Walz to campaign in Louisville ahead of Election Day And now Harris to Texas?/ Kamala Harris to rally with Colin Allred in Houston days before Election Day
Boost house races maybe? Its not far from Ohio and PA. When there are like only 7 states that matter I guess you can do weird things.
He's not campaigning, he's fundraising. Louisville and Lexington are good places for $$$, even for D's.
Seems like an reasonable explanation, just feels late in the game for fundraising and I would not have guessed that those places would be better than some place like Chicago or CA for funds.
Chicago makes some sense, but no way at the point in the campaign they are giving up a whole day to get out to CA and back. An entire Louisville trip can be done in a few hours from MI, NC etc. and it’s low hanging fruit because there’s pent up money there with almost no competitive races.
I’m not sure, but the guy is awesome. THIS is who represents the majority of Americans, not Peter Theil funded JD Vance and billionaire Donald Trump.
This is most likely her trying to help the guy going against Cruz. Or maybe planting a seed.. TX may well turn blue in the not so distant future.
It's only a matter of when in Texas if you follow the trend line. That's why it's more important than ever for the GOP to overthrow democracy and install a fascist oligarchy before that happens.
This explains why Harris is in Texas. This is the most recent poll and it's a tracking poll which means the same respondents are polled on an ongoing basis. While Harris herself has little chance of flipping Texas Cancun Ted is definitely vulnerable and given that two Democratic incumbents are likely to lose the Democrats have to flip at least one Republican seat to retain their majority in the Senate. October 2024 Texas Poll: Trump 53%, Harris 46% - Emerson Polling
I can understand TX. Allred still has outside chance. The state is slowly trending blue, although still a ways to go. Not sure about KY. In today’s national media market I’m not sure how much difference it makes campaigning in a particular state. Maybe it mobilizes your supporters just a bit.
I mentioned it yesterday, but her going there also allows her to make abortion front and center again, with the law they have there. She wins when that is the topic being discussed. It also likely means some good fund raising both for the state and national parties. She wins when Trump is off the headlines, no matter what absolutely idiotic diarrhea that comes out of his mouth seems to help him as long as he is the focus. This will be news nationally for a good day or so. And it helps Allred. And it means money. So it makes a lot of tactical sense.
Cruz just ran a national ad during the A&M game. An ABC prime time ad can’t be cheap. Might have been planned before her visit, but that’s a real race if he’s willing to dump that kind of cash.