I have been really hoping that the remote work environment will result in a state or two to flip Blue. Wyoming has a pretty small population, wouldn't take a whole lot of yuppies from CA to migrate there for the natural beauty to make them competitive. Yeah, probably won't ever happen, but a guy can dream.
Perhaps I’m not clear on what your realistic solution is. Is it just whining about the rules instead of adjusting to them? Because that’s where this conversation started. But anyways, 20 minutes to kickoff. Go Gators! I’m certain we agree on that.
One truism I've learned in my 81 years: nothing, and I mean nothing, involving humans last forever. It is abundantly clear to any educated and dispassionate voter that our democracy is in deep trouble. Unfortunately, too many are not dispassionate.
Reminds me of Ozymandias. Great poem. Anyway, I wasn’t thinking things man has constructed, but you’re right to suggest that they too don’t last forever. One society which is giving it a go is China. They play the long game.