Disturbing Details Emerge About Afghan Arrested For Planning ISIS Attack On Election Day (dailywire.com) The Islamic man from Afghanistan who was arrested in Oklahoma on Monday for allegedly planning an ISIS terror attack on Election Day reportedly worked as a security guard in Afghanistan for the CIA. After news broke of his arrest, questions immediately began to swirl about how the Biden-Harris administration failed to properly vet Tawhedi when he was evacuated out of Afghanistan following the administration’s disastrous withdraw in 2021. Instead, he entered the U.S. on humanitarian parole, which “entails far less screening than a special immigrant visa,” the report said. Tawhedi said in his communications that the terrorist attack was planned for Election Day. In a post-arrest interview, investigators say that he admitted to the plot and said that he and CC 1 expected to be martyred during the attack, which was “targeting large gatherings of people,” court documents said. Thanks to Biden/Harris and all the others who allowed these illegals to come in out country
Wait until you hear about the disturbing details of an attempt to halt the certification of the electoral votes in 2021. Likely something that will be repeated by the same people in 2025 since none of the planners have been held accountable.
This is Biden doing top-notch job of stopping election-related violence. Now look at that last guy, who had caused a riot and attack on our government under his watch in 2021. Way to go, Joe!
FYI - He wasn't an illegal, his election day plot was discovered and he was arrested and I suppose that to prevent the possibility that someone like him enters the US you would prefer that all Afghani refugees who have may have aided the US remain in Afghanistan where the could be executed by the Taliban. By the way I wish that you would stop posting/linking articles from the Daily Wire that distort the truth but I guess you cannot help yourself.
Poster is reliably incorrect. Sounds like the major issue occurred during the failed Trump administration. After miserably botching the negotiations with only the Taliban, apparently that administration failed to suitably vet this individual before employing him with the CIA. That hiring led to the "political asylum" granted upon withdrawal. But thanks for playing.
Speaking of facts you referred to guy as an illegal alien even though earlier in the same post you stated that he entered the US under humanitarian parole. The two categories are mutually exclusive which in simple terms it was one or the other it cannot be both.
Having read the entire thread up-to-date,I’m still not following whether you are pleased, or ticked, that the Biden administration caught the guy before he executed his plot.