If Trump loses, hopefully Republicans will gravitate toward a respectable candidate who is above the petty corruption and insider dealing that has so defined the Trump era, someone like Ben Sasse.
I think I've finally realized that Trump didn't create the MAGA mood. They were already feeling resentful, angry, victimized and wanting retribution. He just summarized it perfectly and capitalized on it.
Ask the boogaloo boys. Texas man in 'boogaloo' movement pleads guilty to firing at police station during Floyd protest
what if they don't believe they lost? more anger, victimization, resentment, need for retribution ...
Well, that is disturbing. I’m consoled by the fact that the ‘rest of you’ dont line up with most Americans.
With climate change, don’t expect smaller government, unless one doesn’t want government to come to the aide of areas ravaged by storms, fires and drought. Add to that the needs of the military to defend us against China and Russia, and it’s clear we’ll have to see more tax revenue. It’s a dramatically changing world, and we’d better be prepared to meet it. We won’t if Trump is elected. We will if the two parties put down the swords, scale back the nasty rhetoric and work together. Frankly, I don’t hold out much hope.
I don't expect Trump to be a man of his word. But I do expect him to remember how easily Biden got torn apart and made to look like a senile old fool in a debate at age 82, and Trump does not want to go down that path. He's halfway senile already. I suspect that a lot of the bloom will be off the rose after he spends some time in prison, anyway.
I was clearly suggesting that Father Time is going to vote him out at some point. Every day brings us one closer.
Barring that, complete incapacitation, or perhaps prison, Trump is kind of like a cockroach, he just seems to keep on plugging.