And I'm done with you. Another liar added to my ignore list. The $750 lie is the last straw.... you must know the truth about that by now, if not you choose to wallow in lies and misinformation.
Hasn't Trump called for incarcerating anyone who desecrates the American flag? Is that consistent with free speech principles, and if not, how does he get a pass on things like that?
I actually tend to agree with you on this for the most part, but if that is to be allowed under free speech, it certainly opens up the can of worms for a lot of what I would consider as "hate speech" from the far right, does it not? I'm not talking about direct threats, but just some of the very ugly things you hear on both the far right and far left. If we can burn national emblems and desecrate them under free speech, that opens up quite a bit for the far right, does it not?
"Democrats"? More like a person. That's some shady shit you're doing. WTF is wrong with you, dude. On top of that, the conclusions of the author of that article are wrong. Since you are endorsing it, you are wrong as well. Again. Stop trolling, please.
Kerry is a nobody with zero say You know who controls speech right now today. Elon Musk You know who led the charge to ban tik tok? GOP Actual limits on speech BY THE GOP
I think valuing free speech means defending it even when (probably better to say "especially when") we personally find it offensive. I don't think of it as opening a can of worms though; we have a long history of groups being allowed to march, to promote theories of racial supremacy, to distribute bigoted propaganda, etc., as long as they're not threatening people or otherwise breaking laws. I find those groups abhorrent, but I'd prefer to see those views openly expressed and ridiculed rather than trying to silence them through the threat of incarceration. Of course, left or right, there are going to be some difficult cases in terms of deciding, for example, when speech has crossed the line and constitutes a true threat.
Not a former candidate like Kerry. The GOP nominee everbody: Donald Trump Wants Federal Government To “Come Down Hard” On MSNBC For Its Criticism Of Him and Trump and his allies are threatening retribution against the press
Flag burning (assuming the person doing the burning paid for the flag ahead of time) can probably be protected under free speech. Vandalizing national monuments, in the case of what Trump was referring to, is vandalism and should be prosecuted as such. Perhaps Trump was speaking too broadly and included both activities in his comments. I believe you're referring to his comments regarding the day of Netanyahu's speech to Congress. If he has said flag burning should be banned at a separate time, I would generally disagree with him on that position. Unfortunately, flag burning was a very small part of what took place that day.
If I were to say this guy is just trolling us for fun or he is an idiot. I get a vacation, but he can spew his nonsense like a flamethrower.
What I read was attributed to him this summer wherein he said that Congress needs to pass a law and jail people who desecrate the flag. The reason I doubt he meant to focus on vandalism is that I think that's already illegal. Also, he said something similar about the flag in 2016. November 29, 2016 Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!
Now that you quoted it, I do recall seeing that many moons ago. Yeah, I appreciate his sentiment, but I disagree with the consequences part. If it's the personal property of the person or persons burning the flag, there shouldn't be prosecution for it (provided it's done in a safe manner). I don't think flag burning accomplishes anything, but if people want to do it, who cares?
So you don't like "marxists, communists" etc so you are willing to lie, troll, misquote and disparage? Is that all the intellectual capacity you can muster? How do you expect anyone to respect anything you say?
Thank goodness the evil party of Constitutional extinguishment did not prevent you from blasting these falsehoods. Ain't it a great country?!