All right, Florida Man. Time to step up to the plate. Florida's strangest traffic law on the books states that you must pay the parking meter if you tie an elephant, goat, or alligator to it. In Georgia, spitting from a car or bus is not allowed, but spitting from your truck is. You do you, Georgia. In Alabama, you may not drive while blindfolded. Driving while blind is allowed, possibly . . . In Tennessee, shooting any wild game from a moving vehicle is not allowed, with the exception of whales. It's going to be a fairly long shot to hit a whale from Tennessee (about 400 miles minimum to the Atlantic Ocean), so make sure you bring a long-range rifle. Unless you are hunting near the Aquarium, of course. In Kentucky, it is illegal for your pet to molest a vehicle. Good to know. Presumably, there are pet training centers to keep that under control. "Bad doggie! BAD!!!" 50 Weirdest Traffic Laws By State
In North Carolina you can beat your wife on the courthouse steps. But only on Sunday. The stick can be no wider tha the mans pinky finger.
I feel like that is an urban myth. At least that's what my wife just said when I asked her if she had plans Sunday.
Apparently it is a Wilmington municipal law that was never technically repealed. NC state laws however work a bit more to our wives advantages thus overruling the city.