What I really don't understand about their enforcement of the targeting penalty in leading with the crown of the helmet is why even though it is textbook targeting, the refs will never call it on a db chopping a rb legs out from under him or spearing your own teammate. Usually the second category would have been a penalty but for the tackler missing the tackle, which are the exact kind of tacklers you want to keep from leading with their helmet.
Stupidest rule application ever. No one is going to get hurt on that play. Also, what about the aTm player who Gator chomped us after the last TD? If one of our players did that to him it would be a penalty every time. Time to fix that rule because it is in fact unsportsmanlike.
A launch shouldn't be illegal either. If you force through with your legs you will hit the player with more sustained force than if you launch from ten feet away.
Actually I think that is taunting for an opponent to do the Gator chomp so actually the ref just needed to throw the flag. it's against the rule NOW- the stupid ref just didn't call it. I bet the game would have turned out different if... oh never mind.
They never call it, whether it's a rule or not. It happens every game. I never said it would have affected the outcome. We deserved to lose, in fact, the score doesn't reflect how bad we lost.
With CTE and concussion related long term effects, there has been a big push across all youth sports to protect the head. If a 9 year old heads a soccer ball in the game (intentional or not), the ball gets placed at the spot of the header and becomes a free kick for the other team.
They should call it was my point- it IS taunting. The part about affecting the outcome was a joke. I started to say that (because that's what typical fans say) then I stopped myself. I was parodying the typical fan comment but then also making fun of how bad we got beat- we can't even complain about a missed call!
The application of all rules and law carries with it, an implicit modicum of common sense. This particular application of the rule against targeting failed the common sense test pretty egregiously. This is football. Not a court room ( seems like with replay, every game has these mini trials embedded in them...been old already for a good while...).
Right. It can be frustrating watching it be enforced so inconsistently that you forget it's a rule, especially since we all probably grew up without it. But it's in place to try to protect the tackler as much as those bring tackled. And I know the common response is to dismiss it as flag football, etc. But the real analog is rugby. Head up, hips low, drive through, wrap up.
Almost anything would be better than watching the beat down we took again on our home field, formerly known as the Swamp! You made a good decision.
That’s a good rule; I always questionned the popularity of soccer when you CAN’T use your hands but you can use your head.