I’m a member of the one musical fanbase more dedicated then hers - as in literally only listen to one band and their spin-offs/side projects. And I don’t give two shits who Bobby/Phil/Mickey/Billy are voting for. And her fanbase largely consists of two big chunks: children who literally can’t vote in the first place, and women in their late twenties to mid-thirties who were already the single most committed Harris demographic in existence.
That's nice. Now imagine the Dead's fan base at their peak and then multiply that by 100. You might be then getting close to her fan base. The Dead have a dedicated fan base, for sure, but it just doesn't compare now, or ever, to what has been going on with Taylor. Late 50's early 60's Beatles are probably a much closer comparison.
I think you severely underestimate the number of newly minted adults who love Taylor Swift and aren’t registered to vote.
I get this. It’s not like these people were going to vote for trump it was they weren’t going to vote at all.
This says it all regarding the Taylor Swift effect and assuming most of them register and end up voting it's not going to be for Donald Trump. More than 337,000 people visit Taylor Swift's link to register to vote
I think it’s stupid when celebrities make a big deal about telling us who to vote for. I think it says a lot about the target audience.
I tend to agree and speaking of the target audience this guy comes immediately to mind. That being said a mega celebrity who can mobilize a demographic that normally votes in low numbers can make a difference in a close election. Also let's not forget that Oprah Winfrey's endorsement was probably a major factor in Barack Obama's winning the Democratic nomination. The Oprah Factor and Campaign 2008
Isn’t T Swift just another childless cat lady? Who would care what she has to say …. perhaps another childless cat lady to be?
Next up at the RNC, a person with a moderately successful OnlyFans page will tell us why you should vote for Trump. She will be followed by a B-Movie star from the 1980s.
How do you know it wasn't Trump's warnings about immigrants eating pets that convinced people to register to vote?!?!?! Didn't think of that one, did you, Mr. Smarty Pants?