Tariffs are apparently like free money. Just slap on a tariff and other countries send us money. Why not put 100 percent tariff on everything?
The government taking public dollars and ”investing” in private industries, possibly having ownership level control in them. All at the say so of self professed wannabe dictator. That’s like… literal communism. Umm. No thanks.
Every day Demented Don wakes up, he wants to convert the US into either Hungary, Russia or Saudi Arabia where the cash coming in flows to him primarily. He's not only running to avoid jail, he's running to get rich from the office.
Bingo. No where to be found. Oh, wait, found them. They're on the Kamala threads yelling commie left and right. Should have known!
I actually agree. Trump is the unicorn though, even on the right. He is an anomaly. Long before Trump the major political parties stopped really caring about We The People. That is my point in general. I am not trying to normalize what Trump has done.
no need. In the first few responses from the opening post we are told both what Trump will be doing with the money and how anyone who doesn’t vote for Harris is a rube and gullibly follows Trump on everything. You guys have done all the heavy lifting however inaccurate. thanks so much for playing as I am enjoying my time in Greece and it’s saving me a lot of response time. Dictated and approved by Gator fan CF.
He is someone who just says the first thought that pops in his head which he thinks will be applauded by the audience listening to him. You give him too much credit by labeling him liberal (or conservative). Those require a preconceived value system, he has none.
Maybe Trump will reopen his old playbook and suggest that the US repudiate its national debt kind of like the way his companies ended up paying their creditors pennies on the dollar when he declared bankruptcy. Trump: US Should Default on Debt Trump: GOP Should Let U.S. Default On Debt If Democrats Don’t Agree To Spending Cuts