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Update from a friendly rival

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by DawgFanFromAlabam, Aug 25, 2024.

  1. DawgFanFromAlabam

    DawgFanFromAlabam GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 18, 2007

    Transplant was 6/25. I only spent 13 days on the wait list, might not have made 14 or more. Got to Houston Friday night 6/21, straight to Emergency, on the table getting new liver Tuesday. I had been dying for a month or two. Doctor in Atlanta told me I wouldn’t last a month. Went to see my best friend (a Gator) to say goodbye. Couldn’t say the words and steeled me to keep fighting.

    5 days of delirium in ICU afterwards. It was the worst…and I remember most of it. Will be getting PTSD treatments back in Atlanta. I get triggered back to it and it’s not memories you want to revisit.

    Out after 3 weeks, back in less than a week later. Sepsis, pulmonary embolism and collapsed lung. Got discharged yesterday.

    It’s been quite the ordeal but I’m alive by the grace of God. The pathology report on my old liver showed 2 new tumors had formed. As the original and new tumors weren’t near a vein/artery/ organ wall, no metastasis! Just cut out the liver that was practically dead and cancer comes along for the ride.

    It’s been a story of miracles so far. I’m still struggling but lean on faith, family and friends for strength. Please keep me in your prayers. You folks offering support has meant a lot to me. More than you’ll know.

    IMG_6833.jpeg IMG_1635.jpeg
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  2. murphree_hall

    murphree_hall VIP Member

    Jul 11, 2019
    I wish you all the best with your new liver! Can't have you missing the opportunity to see UF beat UGA this season and retake control of the SEC!

    Happy for you Dawg, and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
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  3. eightiesgator

    eightiesgator GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 16, 2017
    God bless you and keep you! You need to be a mangy, leghumper diehard for MANY years to come, God willing. You are undergoing perspectives most of us haven't yet faced, but will invariably have to confront sooner or later. Beat this thing and enjoy the Smart Era to the fullest...
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  4. swamp life

    swamp life All American

    Aug 12, 2017
    Wishing you nothing but the best brother. God has a plan for all of us. Take care of yourself and enjoy another great season of College football.
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  5. Endless Excuses

    Endless Excuses GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 13, 2010
    Hang tough...it looks like you have two young men who want you up and back to business. I hope your liver wasn't from a Gator the last few years....most of us haven't been to kind to our livers these days. 2nd chances are precious...use it to make a difference!
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  6. royalewitcheesee

    royalewitcheesee All American

    Nov 20, 2016
    Wow you have been through hell and back and still going. My step mom passed away waiting for a liver transplant for months and months and ended up getting sepsis. You are very lucky my friend!
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  7. incoldblood

    incoldblood GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 30, 2016
    Thanks for the update Dawg. Quite the ordeal but glad to hear you are emerging on the other side. Continued prayers friend.
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  8. Gatorhead

    Gatorhead GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Hang in there friend!
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
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  9. n210sgator

    n210sgator All American

    Jan 11, 2015
    Neptune Beach
    Not religious, DFFA, but I do wish you all good things.
    I worked in transplant surgery at the beginning of my medical career and I know what you have been through - and will continue to deal with for the rest of your life.
    I’m assuming those boys are family (in the second picture) and - from my perspective – family is everything.
    That is what you should lean on in this second chance you have been given.
    (Also – I have to grudgingly admit - as you ARE a Dawg - it is your time to enjoy your team’s success!)
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  10. docspor

    docspor GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 30, 2010
    Wishing you nothin' but blue skies Dawg....sounds like an awful ordeal. Hang in there...better days are ahead!*

    * excluding 11/2
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  11. eastcoastgator

    eastcoastgator Junior

    Dec 8, 2010
    Miami, Fl.
    G_d is my shepherd;
    I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures;
    He leads me beside the still waters;
    He restores my soul.
    He guides me in straight paths for His name's sake.
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I shall fear no evil, for I am the meanest motherf**ker in the land.

    Something to remember when things get you down. Get healthy soon.
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  12. lizardbreath

    lizardbreath GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 30, 2017
    Pace, FL
    Thank you for sharing your vastly improved outlook, and congratulations on the new reality that God has provided you and that wonderful family. Blessings Dawg!
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  13. sierragator

    sierragator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Best wishes for a full recovery!
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  14. GatorPrincess8

    GatorPrincess8 Princess of Basement Dwellers VIP Member

    Prayers sent dawg.
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  15. GornGator

    GornGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Winter Park, FL.
    Prayers to you, your family, and your friends Sir. What a hard battle but it sounds like your friends are really helping you along. Great story from you and pray the best for you in the days ahead. GODSPEED
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  16. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    Hang in there buddy. Your a tough guy with things to live for.
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  17. kes

    kes GC Hall of Fame

    May 26, 2007
    DeLand, FL
    I am really glad to hear this! Congrats! I mean it sincerely. I hope you get to punch some more tickets. My buddy is on 12 yrs and still making memories. I wish you nothing but the best.
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  18. bperkins10

    bperkins10 GC Legend

    May 25, 2007
    Glad to hear you are getting better. I know it can be a long road but it seems you are through the worst part. Praying for continued healing.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
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  19. tommyvee

    tommyvee GC Hall of Fame

    May 16, 2007
    Why fight it? You’re a Gator at heart and need to embrace it.
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  20. GatorTheo

    GatorTheo Junior

    Jun 22, 2007
    I had a triple bypass on 7/30 but it sounds like a walk in the park next to your ordeal. Hope you recover fully and the Dawgs lose every game. ;)
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