Biden replies to Johnson: If I order your assassination, it's an official act and there's nothing you can do about it. As for the attempted assassination of Trump, I did not order anyone to shoot that man in the ear. But no need to worry about that, the FBI is investigating. We know what a good job the FBI did for LBJ's Warren Commission. The FBI said, yep, that Crooks acted alone. I mean that Oswald acted alone. I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyway, you know what you can do with your articles of impeachment.
LOL!! Trump and his cult have lied and projected his criminality and malfeasance onto others for so long now that they don't even PRETEND to have a logical basis for it any more. Nice try there, sir. But you're shilling for an adjudicated and admitted sexual assaulter, accused of sexual assault by appx 25 women, who's cheated on all 3 spouses, including with porn stars while the wife was home with a newborn. So don't try to project. Just enjoy your heavenly rapist.
But those convicted and jailed for 1/6 are "hostages" and will all be set free as soon as Trump takes office. At the same time, political enemies will be rounded up by Trump's Orangeshirts under the command of ex-con Steve Bannon. For example, Bannon, before going to prison for a few months, has already told former AG Bill Barr, "We're coming for you."
On one hand It is true. If Trump said this, some on the left would be yelling about dog whistles. It's also true that Biden is clearly diminished and probably didnt say it like he meant to.
It would be great if Trump could find, as a mascot for his campaign, a dog that whistles. But I've never heard of one. More practically, it would be great if Harris, for campaign mascots, would have a couple of cats on leashes.
Biden either meant it or he didn’t. Either way, he shouldn’t be in a position as potus to make such comments. He should have been removed as potus a long time ago. Words have meaning and power ….. even when they spew forth from the demented in a position of power.
Of course they would. And they'd be correct! Trump has a well documented history of publicly inciting violence. Repeatedly. Biden does not. It's beyond absurd how the Trump cult complains about how....UNFAIR!.....this is; it's childish at this point. Now if Trump hadn't regularly and repeatedly publicly incited violence.....if he'd said this, he would hypothetically be just like Biden: a past his prime man who mistakenly said the wrong thing in public. The difference is obvious. 'No Blame?' ABC News finds 54 cases invoking 'Trump' in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults.
I think Biden should address the nation tonight on what he meant by Johnson being dead on arrival. I would advise him to say, "Folks, let's face it, I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. Take away this teleprompter and my brain would be dead on arrival."
Screw the judge who was bought and paid for in Biden's lawfare. The jury ruled. What the judge says after the fact is meaningless. Trump had a jury trial, not a judge trial. If Trump had been convicted of rape which the jury did not say in its verdict, Trump would be in jail. A convicted rapist doesn't run for president. Rapist, whore, it's all the same to me when people here throw around falsehoods and insults like candy at a Mardi Gras parade.
I will add that it is the intense rhetoric that Biden continues to spew like venom that leads to people to acting out. That was part of the OP as well. It is absolutely true Trump would be dragged through the mud in the media and by the democrats if he had said the same thing. Like our two-sided law enforcement and judicial systems, free speech is two-sided as well. Democrats can say anything and get a pass while republicans cannot.