Washington Post's Max Boot under fire after wife accused of being unregistered agent for South Korea Boot accused Trump of being a "Russian asset."
The Justice Department charged Boot’s wife, Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst and senior official at the National Security Council, last week with acting as a secret agent for South Korea's intelligence service in exchange for luxury gifts. The indictment alleged that Terry accepted lavish gifts in exchange for pushing South Korean government positions during media appearances, sharing private information with intelligence officers and facilitating meetings to allow South Korean officials to be granted access to U.S. officials, without registering as a foreign agent. She has denied the charges.
Well seeing as North Korea is our long time ally, according to presumptve Democrat POTUS candy appointee....er, *nominee* in waiting, then she must be spying for our enemy, seeing as how North and South Korea are enemies. We should use her as leverage to get SoKor to release any of our spies...
Interesting how Fox characterizes Boot as a “liberal columnist” even though he used to be a Republican and wrote for the weekly standard, WSJ and was the Jeanne Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow in National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations These the only criteria to be liberal is to oppose Trump.
Although it appears that she may have violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act she was wasn't accused of being a secret agent for South Korea's intelligence service. She essentially acted as a paid lobbyist for the South Korean government including its intelligence service without disclosing her role. Still illegal but there is a huge difference between acting as a lobbyist and acting as an intelligence agent as you are implying.
Also, doesn't OP have to post a comment or opinion? Does he oppose this because he is a big fan of North Korea, as is his political leader Trump? Does he support this because his political leader Trump has a history of hiring (and giving security clearance to) people who don't disclose that they're working for foreign governments, like Manafort and Flynn. As always, it's interesting to see a Trump supporter SUDDENLY (!!)become offended by potential wrong doing.