FYI Alliance player stats are composed of the season from Fall’23 - Summer’24. This why your stat’s vs Alliance are different. They show Taylor Shumaker with 234 plate appearances in 72 games played 630 batting average. Check out their Website Alliance Fast Pitch then go to their Leaderboard to 18U player stats. Townsend Thomas .458 batting average with 34 games played with 90 plate appearances.
That infield fly commentary was so so bad. And there was something in the SEC tournament that was similar too that I don't quite remember the specifics of.
Thanks. I started with the new season with a couple games in May and then full blown through June and July.
They are replaying the All Star game and interview again today check CBS sports It is channel 221 on Direct tv should be on 12:00 eastern
They are replaying the game and interview again today check CBS sports It is channel 221 on Direct tv and
Dang. That pic of her in the dugout is exactly what I said yesterday. 18 year old kid all of a sudden has a headset thrown at her and a tv camera stuck two feet in front of her face and she was just outstanding in a lengthy interview. As if she was 30 years old and had done it a hundred times before. Class. Poise. Confidence.
Next year roster pitchers-rothrock, brown, miller, hammock Oakley Catcher-erkison, ak Corners-ak, brown,walsh, lamer hovermale middle-william, hotorl, cahalan, commi, barnhill outfield- Otis falby mccellan shumaker thomas. There will be a lot of competition. r