Two brand spanking new polls out from Georgia tonight: Atlanta Journal Constitution and Atlanta FOX 5. The average has Trump leading Harris by more than 7 points in GA. A slightly larger margin than Trump held over Biden in the state prior to his dropping out of the race. Notable considering the large African-American population in the state. It will be interesting to see how other battleground states shake out, but my gut feel is that Harris isn’t going to move the pre-existing needle. 2024 Georgia: Trump vs. Harris | RealClearPolling
If too many of these come out too soon, the Dems will make sure she is not the nominee to run against Trump.
What is not reflected in these polls, is a lot of Democrats are upset with Biden being pushed out. A lot of Democrats will be sitting home on Election Day.
That would be nice, but the dead people from as far back as the 1880s will rise up to take their place.
Why would hardcores sit? They vote for a letter. The question is can K swang the rope in PA, MI, and WI.
I don’t see it. She had one job as VP: the border and that just happens to be Trump’s biggest issue. That’s her resume. At least Biden could boast about the economy, employment. Harris has the border disaster and she put a lot of people in prison in CA. That’s her resume. I don’t see the scenario where she outperforms Biden in any of these states.
Yeah, the dude who was going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, for four years. She can slam that all day.
You think everyone that votes is hardcore? You need to lay off those edibles. That’s why polls break down by registered voters and likely voters. Turnout is a huge factor. Whether she can energize the base has yet to be determined.
Literally no Democrat is upset Biden is not running again other than Republicans. However, many independents will not vote for Kamala Harris and that is why Trump will seize power. We will replace one tired old man, with a tired old, retarded convicted felon.
Biden had the base demoralized and defeatist, Kamala is a shot in the arm in the sense that she has a pulse and can campaign and make coherent statements after 2pm. The Democratic base sees a much better shot at victory now. And the cope among conservatives posting multiple threads about the same thing bears that out, because they know it too.
Considering that all of the polls were taken before she formally announced her candidacy they are almost completely meaningless at this point. While Trump may still be ahead in some or even all of the polls I'm willing to wager that virtually every Georgia poll three weeks from now will show the candidates within the margin of error or statistically tied.
I guess you might think that if you have literally never talked to a Democrat. The difference between the Democratic and Republican Party is that the Democratic Party is not a cult of personality around a person. 70% of Democrats wanted him replaced and the other 30% are not exactly upset about it either.