Absolutely not. Why waste time choosing an interim VP for 90 days when her time needs to be spent thoughtfully picking a running mate. And Joe will be able to raise a ton of dough now with the power of his office.
Trump has less emotional intelligence than most elementary school kids. I say let him keep talking. Eventually some misogynistic race baiting dog whistle will escape his moronic lips (or keyboard).
That took a lot of courage by Joe. His term has been successful and consequential for the future. I'm 100% behind Harris if she is the nominee. She has the experience, smarts, toughness and integrity to be a good leader and engages well with younger voters. There are several strong candidates for VP, I think she needs to focus on a midwestern Gov/moderate.
I'm sitting in Beef O'Brady's watching the Rays game. There has been no mention on any of the 18 tvs. One would think this news would merit a ribbon across the bottom of the screen.
I guess they made him an offer that he could not refuse (threat of invoking the 25th Amendment). I wonder if letting Fredo out of the gun conviction is part of the deal.